Day 2: Under Their Tree

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Blitzø POV:

"Great job out there Millie! You too Mox!" I said happily as I skipped out of the portal with a giddy smile on my face. "Eh- thank you sir!" Moxxie said not expecting that from me. "Thanks B! You were real great too!" Millie replied enthusiastically. "Well in any case we did real good today, took care of a fuck tone of clients, think we can close early! Great job at keeping shit organized Mox!" I commented again happily. I heard silence behind me and looked back to see Moxxie with a big smile but also a look of concern, Millie was just surprised. "What?" "Sir, are you feeling ok?" Moxxie asked. "Of course I am! I'm feeling amazing! Why do you ask?" I responded in a cheery "cause you just complemented me, twice, in the timespan of a minute- that doesn't just come from you-" Moxxie explained. "And you seem way more happy go lucky than normal" Millie continued. "Huh, guess I'm just in a real great mood today!" I responded with a wide smile. I then saw Millie's face turn into a big gasp and stars somehow showed up in her eyes. "Something definitely happened that made you all giddy! Wait don't tell me- It's the prince isn't it!!" She quickly said excited. I quickly flushed and turned my face away from her. "It is isn't it!!" She quickly said again before I could respond.

"Ah yes!!! What happened?? Did you two finally talk again?? Did my ship finally sail!??? Did you confess!!?? Are you dating!!?? Are you boyfriends!!???" She frantically asked. I choked at the last question "wow wow wow, hold it there Mills, what makes you think that we're dating or boyfriends!??" I asked flustered. "Cause you clearly like him B and he deeeefinitely  likes you, can't make that anymore obvious than he makes it seem himself!" Millie explained all smiles. "Hold it there Millie, Stolas does NOT like me! If you mean by my dick sure! But definitely not like THAT! And I DON'T like him like that either!!" I said quickly before rushing to my office to grab my keys and run back out. "Now if you excuse me I need to go and meet someone WHO I DON'T LIKE LIKE THAT so don't forget to close up" I said as I throw the keys over to Mox. "Off to see your boooooyfrieeeeeeend???" Millie teased. "NOT MY BOYFRIEND!" I yelled back flustered. "........" "he definitely likes him" was the last thing I heard Millie say before I walked away from the door and off to the van. I got into the car, saw the time and sent Stolas a quick text 'M on mie wai' (I'm on my way), then drove off to Stolas' place.

I parked the van near the mansion and made my way to the garden. I looked around as the memories came back to me, the memories of when we were kids playing and joking around like idiots. A chuckle rumbled in my throat as the memories came back and after a bit more walking I spotted the gorgeous tree, our tree, that we played at as kids. I walked up to it and see Stolas laying under the tree with a book in hand. He looked like he was sleeping so I made my way towards him and set my stuff down under the tree then sat next to him. I gently stroked his cheek and whispered "wake up sleeping beauty" as a joke since I knew he was a heavy sleeper. Turns out he wasn't fast asleep and quickly opened his eyes in surprise and his cheeks starting to have a tint of pink. "What did you call me..?" He asked flustered. "Nothing! Forget what I said! I was only joking!" I frantically said as my face got more and more red. Stolas giggled and then said "don't worry about it Blitzø, let's just enjoy this time". He gave me a soft smile and I calmed down returning it with a small smile back.

"You remember when we were under this tree as kids?" Stolas asked. "Ye, I remember I was still hooked on that stupid circus dream, but look how far into shit that turned out" I said laughing. "Mmm I wouldn't call you're dream stupid, or silly, you were a child after all, all dreams are valid and all dreams are possible if you are determined enough to make them happen" he explained to me. "Ye well my stupid dreams cost me HER life so.. ye i'de say it was a jack shit idea" I commented in a sad tone. "Blitzø.. that wasn't your fault.." Stolas said softly. I sighed dropping the subject and looking back up at the sky.

"You know Blitzø.. this tree is really important to me" Stolas said breaking the silence. "Ye? Why's that?" I asked. "It's a reminder of the few moments I had as a kid that I actually felt free. Being with you, your free spirit, hearing your dreams and seeing your free will even experiencing it, it made me feel so free to do as I wish, like I was in charge of my own life and destiny! It's very special and I never want to forget that feeling Blitzø, being with you makes me feel like even with me being bound by the thrown and status, I can still hold the reins of my life and pull the strings to do as I wish. Even if just for a bit, it still makes me feel so happy. And that feeling, that strive for freedom is the thing that pushed me to finally divorce my ex wife. So Blitzø I want to thank you for giving me that feeling of freedom and helping me believe I can be free and feel it, to help push me to be brave and set myself free of that nightmare of a marriage! Thank you" Stolas explained. I didn't know much of what to say, all I could do was remain quiet. Then something hit me and filled me with guilt.

I looked away from him and finally spoke. "Stolas I don't think you know the real reason I met you as kids and why we were play dates.. truth is my ass of a dad force me to come to this play date just so that I could-" "Steal, I know Blitzø" Stolas interrupted. I was surprised and said "how did you- why do you still like me then? Shouldn't you hate me??" I asked him confused. "Blitzø, you did steal from me, sure, but I knew for a fact it wasn't out of your own free will. I had to follow other's rules all my life, so I would know the difference between being ordered and a free decision. Not only that but I also knew that you genuinely were enjoying your time with me which proved to me that you were in fact my friend" he explained. I was once again speechless by this. "And Blitzø, there is absolutely nothing you can possibly do to make me hate you, hate is a region only Stella managed to achieve, no one else and especially not you, you are on a whole other level Blitzø, completely separate from the concept of hate" Stolas finished with a sweet beaming smile and my bewilderment turned into adoration

'satan I love you.. wait WHAT!? NO I DON'T! .... Do I..?' I thought as I looked back at him. He was now staring back at the stars, the moon finally at its peak in the sky, the moonlight shining on his gorgeous delicate face and the light breeze bridling his soft gentle feathers. I felt my face heat up as I kept staring at the beautiful sight that was Stolas. 'Did I fall in love with him? .... There's only one way to find out..' I thought. Before I could take action on what I had in mind Stolas slowly stood up and helped me up before conjuring a knife. "Want to edge our initials to the tree as a memory of our childhood?" He asked me. I smiled at him and nodded before taking the knife. I edged on a B and a plus then Stolas edged on a fancy S. I smiled then nervously took the knife again and edged a heart around it. I gave him a smile and I noticed the light pink tint on his cheek before giving me a beaming smile and a giggle. "I love it!" He said excitedly "ye me too" I said back.

As we were walking back to the mansion I took a deep breathe and stopped him for a moment "Stolas, em.. before this night ends..  i w-wanted to ask you something" I said clearly nervous and sweating. "Of course, what is it Blitzø?" He asked me curiously. "S-Stolas, do you.. want to... em.. WILLYOUGOONADATEWITHME??" I finally said my faze ablaze. I looked at him and his face was flushed brightly and he was speechless. "T-this will be a real date this time.. no plots or schemes, just you and me, on a date... is that... ok?" I explained my nervousness increasing at the big level of silence. Stolas then had a big bright smile on his face, he we beaming as he picked me up squealing "YES YES YES YES YES!! OH MY SWEET SATAN YES!!" He squeaked out. He quickly realized his actions and calmed down, placing me back down on the floor, my face turned 10 shades of red, and he chuckled nervously placing a hand behind his neck before clearing his throat and saying "i-I mean- yes I would love to go on a date with you Blitzø" his face was now a beautiful pink tint and I couldn't help but stare at him for a bit before clearing my throat. "R-right, great! I'll c-come pick you up at 8pm? Does tomorrow work?" I asked a bit more confident now that I know he said yes. "Yes that would be wonderful Blitzø" he said to me. "K then I'll em.. I'll come pick you up tomorrow! Night Stols!" I said to him as I drove off happily back home. 'Fuck yeeeees! He said yeeeeeeees!! Holy shit- I'm freaking out cause that birdbrain said yes to a date? Damn it i think Millie was right.. I've fallen for him..'


Sorry this took me so long to post!! I got occupied with the performances of one of my productions and I had no time to work on anything but the production. But now that's over and I only have one last production which is till the 14th which means I'll soon be completely free! So expect for frequent updates soon!! Love you all!!💗💗💗💗

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2023 ⏰

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