- do you remember

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it's not out of the ordinary whenever i see a white paper folded in half with a small boxed gift on top of it, preventing it to fly away.

i sighed and looked at ▇▇ as he gives me a toothy grin in return. i took my seat and huffed.

this has been happening more and more whenever i'm present. plus, its been a year and i rejected him multiple times, does he not get the message?

"excuse me for bothering." the principal knocked on the door. my teacher gave him a smile which i knew was fake because moments ago she was angry. "can i take uki violeta?"

i raised my head. what the fuck did i do-?


"you're here today because your attendance is very low."

i shifted on the uncomfortable chair in the principal's office.

so much for being the best school..

"you and fulgur would need to improve this. it can falter your academic knowledge." the principal turned to me. "you're very smart uki, i know there's potential in you."

"as for you, ovid." fulgur rolled his eyes when he called him by his last name. "skipping classes when you're present makes no difference."

fulgur rolled his eyes. "i know."

"if you knew then i expect changes staring from now on. you're dismissed."

"woowie, called us in and made us skip three periods of class. talk about academic." fulgur joked when we were walking away from the principal's office.

"i didn't know you were a bad boy too, uki."

"me being absent doesn't make me a 'bad boy'. i have reasons why." i crossed my arms.

fulgur looked at me with interest in his eyes. "care to tell me the tale?"


my mood suddenly dropped when i hear the voice calling out for me. "oh, hey ▇▇.."

he grabbed my hand and held it tight. "i was worried about you! what happened in there?"

i tried to pry my hand free from his tight and painful grip. "none of your business. let me go please."

"if nothing happened, why are you with him?" he pointed to fulgur who's been standing next to me. i forgot he was still there, he probably saw what happened.

"anything between me, uki and the principal is none of your concern." fulgur said.

▇▇ was still adamant, he wanted information. "anything with uki is my concern."

when the two were arguing back and forth, i still was trying to get my hand free. damn, this bitch is strong as fuck.

"i also suggest you to let him go," fulgur eyed the hand ▇▇ was holding my hand with.

with no words said, thankfully ▇▇ did as told. i massaged my hand due to the tight grip he had on me and glared at him.

"uki get your bag." fulgur looked at me. "i'll wait for you."

"um, okay.."

i speed walked to my class, it wasn't that very far and i'm glad there's another door for the back of the class. i checked my things and sighed in relief.

nothing went missing.

i had a case where ▇▇ would take my things and hide them from me either that or he would make me chase him around for it.

i hate him so much.

i went back to the place where fulgur said he would be waiting and i saw him standing all alone. ▇▇ must have left to go home.

"i'm here." fulgur didn't flinch a bit when i came up behind him.

he smiled at me. "good. let's go then."

i raised a brow. "go where?"

"i'm taking you home. we can talk more walking with each other."


i couldn't refuse.

fu-chan had been the only nicest person i have met in the entire school. him and my old best friends but since we weren't in the same class anymore, we grew distant.

the silver head and i talked a lot. we got to know each other. talk about our lives, what our plans for the future would be etc.

it was refreshing.

"so, the reasons you were always absent?"

ah this man.. he was trying to pry that out from me.

"him and a certain teacher.. they scare me whenever i step foot in school. i get anxiety just thinking about it everyday."

fulgur hummed. "does he bother you everyday?"

i shrug. "yeah. it makes me uncomfortable. i wish i have the confidence to just say.. no. i don't know, words to stand up for myself?" i sigh.

▇▇ was a very stubborn person. i know he's friends with our mutuals but just knowing he's in the same room as me already makes me scared.

we arrived at the usual spot we wait for our rides to arrive. it was quiet today as the next day was the weekend.

"you don't have to worry about him anymore." fulgur says to me. for some reason, his words comforted me. "if he bothers you, just let me know okay?"

i looked away from him and nodded, i was doing so just to hide my pink hued cheeks.

ah this guy..

he's making me fall for him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2023 ⏰

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