Infinite Vs Muscular

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No one pov

The day started normally. Izuku worked at the Cafe he got hired and Eri was at school.

Then the door opened, revealing 1A. Izuku was at the phone so he didn't see them yet,he was on his phone.

Then he raised his head when he heard the bell.

Izuku:Hello. What would you like to order?

He saw them and he wanted to beat the shit out of them, but he restrain himself.

Izumi pov

I enter, along with my friends in a Cafe that I heard it was good. When we enter we heard a voice.

... :Hello. What would you like to order?

It was a boy, the same age as us, with blonde hair, two fox tails and fox ears.

We seat at some tables and order some drinks and donuts.

After we order we waited. Then others enter. It was a group of 5 girls.

No one pov

The 5 girls seat at a table and Izuku came.

G1:OMG! You'r tails and ears are so fluffy. Can we touch them?

Izuku was hesitant at first, but he let them play with his tails. He was embarrassed that some girls played with his tails.

G2:They're so fluffy, like I could use them for sleeping. This is you'r Quirk?

Izuku:Yeah. It's called Fox, when I got this tails and the ears.

G3:By the way, what's you'r name?

Izuku:I'm Izuku Mugen.

1A(thought) :Did he said that his is Izuku?

Izuku got their orders and goes back to be the cashier, his boss, Rena, was at the back.

After they finished, 1A leaves. It was 19:00,the time when they closed.

Izuku just walked to his home, when he encounter some people watching the news at a giant TV on a building.

News:We're here at the tragic event. The Villain, Muscular is on a rampage, he injured most Heroes here. The question is, where's All Might?

Izuku got to a corner. He got sure that no one see him. Then he use the Phantom Ruby to change his tails and ears back to normal. Then he make his Infinite outfit appear and flies towards Muscular.

With Muscular

He cause rampage around the town. He injured childrens, womans, Heroes even old people.

Muscular:HAHA! No one can stop me. Not even All Might.

Then out of nowhere, he got kicked in the back and send to a wall.

He gets out of the wall.

Muscular:Who dares?

... :Me.

He turned around and see Infinite.

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Izuku Mugen:The Chaos of InfiniteWhere stories live. Discover now