The confrontation

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Blanca said:" Here, I couldn't utter any word and I couldn't continue to stand, I felt that would passed out so I sat down on the chair and my tears began to fall down, I couldn't control by myself, I couldn't stop crying.

She said:" Don't cry Mrs. Wilson, don't cry. I don't like to see you sad. I admit that in the short time when I took your real daughter's place, you were a wonderful mother to me, I even began to convince myself that you are my real mother. I started to love you, believe me. Your daughter Sandy, was very lucky to have a mother like you. You are very affectionate and kind.

I said:" Who are you? And how did you enter our life and lived between us without discovering your truth? And why did you impersonate my daughter? And there's my daughter now, where is she? And what have you done to her? Please, tell me.

She said: who am I, I'm a person you know very well. And how did I entere your life, you who opened the way in front to me to enter your life. And how did I live between you and you didn't discover me, because I know everything about you. I know the finer details of your lives. And why did I impersonate your daughter in particular, because I loved Philip madly and he loved her madly. He would not leave her for any other girl; she was the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. So instead of stealing from her her love, I stole from her everything in her life. I stole from her her love, her beauty and even her family. And what did I do with her? I left her in a place that she couldn't come back from it. "

I replied:" your answers are puzzles that I can't understand them. How can you be a person we know very well that we entered our lives and lived between us with such a dangerous degree? It is impossible for us to do that, impossible.

She said:" Yes Mrs. Wilson, you did that with happiness and opened your hearts to me and the proof of my speech is a success of my plan. And if you had not seen my blood card by coincidence, none of you would have been able to discover my secret.

I said:" My daughter, where is she? Tell me, please."

She said:" I told you that she is in a place she will never return from it. Why don't believe me, Mrs.Wilson?"

I said:" what place is this which she can't return from it?

She said:" Death, Mrs. Wilson, the dead don't return to life. "

I said:" Did you kill her? this is impossible! You are joking or lying. I can't believe you, it's impossible to do this to her, she was your closest friend and she loved you a lot, this is impossible!."

She said:" Yes, you are right but I told you the truth. I killed her by my hands, you must believe me. And what you don't know is that I didn't kill her only, I also killed Georgina and her parents, your sister Angela and her husband Michael."

I said in astonishment:" what! You killed my sister and her daughter and her husband! This means that they didn't die a natural death as we thought. I always felt that there was something strange about that successive death in my family, but I couldn't find any explanation for it."
I started crying and looked at her eyes and said:"why did you kill them, why? And How did you manage to do all this, how? What did they do to you to kill them? From where did you get all this evil? Tell me."

She said:" Yes, I killed all of those without hurting me. On the contrary, they all were very kind with me, I admit that. Do you know who hurt me? Life was who hurt me. Yes, it was life. It hurt me a lot that it took me from all senses of love, mercy or pity. I became hard heated like a rock and hard of character to point of death of conscience. I became not afraid to do anything, no matter what, the important thing for me is to achieve my goal, regardless of the means, even if it reached the point of killing. That is why I killed you daughter Sandy and your sister's family."

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