☆ kenny x craig (the criminal) ☆

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kenny walks into a large store that seems to be popular from the looks of everyone in there

kenny walks over in a small isle he looks around the shelfs and grabs something and shoves it in his bag

the item wasnt visible but the security had caught sight of his action and had pulled him to the side

"what did you put in your bag." kenny stutters "oh uh.. nothing." "tell me what you put in your bag or i will have to call the police." "its for my little sister karen! , we are poor and i-" "stealing in unacceptable no matter the situation" the security dude says as the police arrived

the police push kenny against the police car kenny gets handcuffs put around his wrists them being too tight "these are too tight asshole!" "deal with it."

they put kenny in the back of the cop car and they drive kenny to police station

they arrive to the police station them escorting kenny inside

"do you have anyone you can call to pick you up?" the unfamiliar guy asks
"yeah his names craig, craig tucker"

the police call the number that kenny tells them the phone goes ..ring..ring..ring and then craig picks up the phone

"hello who is this?" "hello its the police we are wondering if you could come pick up.." the police looks at kennys record "kenny, kenny McCormick"
"what dumb shit did he do this time??"

craig hops in his car and drives off the station with a dumbfounded expression on his face

he arrives to the station he automatically sees kenny waving to him from the glass window

craig gets out he slams the door and goes inside "so what did he do?" "from out information he was stealing from the local store." "it was for karen!" kenny tries to defend himself

"can i just take him home?" "yeah as long as he promises not to steal again." "i promise!" "cmon dipshit we are going home"

craig is driving to his house with kenny "this isnt the way to my house craig" "you are staying at my house tonight" "dude why" "because your living condition is shit and just so you know you could have just asked me for the stuff you stole."

(words 382)

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