4 | A Step in the Right Direction

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Y/n groaned as her alarm clock rang in her ear. As it was the weekend, she usually didn't have to work but she had to fill in for someone who had called in sick. It didn't help that she was absolutely exhausted from the party yesterday.

She decided the best way to wake herself up was with a coffee. There was a nice café down the road from where she lived so she could quickly stop there before her shift.

Pulling on her uniform, along with a few other layers, she set out to start the day. Every time a cold breeze skimmed past her, she felt jealous of the people that were able to lie in this morning.

It only took about ten minutes for her to reach the café. The smell of fresh pastries and coffee invited her inside while the warm light contrasted with the dim weather outside. 

As she walked through the doors, she was greeted by the friendly ring of a bell. It didn't seem too busy but then again, who else would be awake early on a weekend?

There was something cosy about this place that y/n loved. She didn't go there often but she always felt welcome when she did. The whole aesthetic gave off a comforting vibe and the staff were always very kind.

Sauntering up to the front desk, she ordered her coffee. The worker asked for her to move to a counter further down to wait for it to be made, so that's what she did.

Tapping her fingers on the surface, her thoughts trailed back to Ramona. She was so confused about whatever happened last night. Why'd she suddenly disappear like that? Was it something she said? 

Whatever the case, it made y/n overthink the whole interaction, running through every little detail of the memory in her head.

As if being summoned just from her thoughts, she took a quick glance around the café and noticed a familiar pink haired girl sitting by the window. She had to double back to confirm to herself that it was in fact Ramona.

Quickly averting her gaze, she swallowed dryly. Usually she felt happy to see her but this time it felt different.

Awkwardly shuffling her feet, she peaked behind the counter to see if her coffee was almost ready. She hoped Ramona hadn't noticed her but she knew she'd have to talk to her eventually. She couldn't keep playing this guessing game with her.

After what felt like too long, y/n received her coffee and thanked the worker. She turned, trying to make a swift escape, but blocking her way stood Ramona.

"Hey..." Ramona mumbled.

"Um... hey."

The silence made a lump form in y/n's throat. She had no clue what to say and it didn't seem like Ramona did either.

She was finally able to muster some words but before she could voice them, Ramona started to speak, "Look I'm sorry for just... disappearing yesterday. I do that sometimes."

Y/n hesitated, trying to stop herself from asking "that's it?". The apology felt too vague, leaving her with more questions than she did before. However, y/n didn't want to be too pushy and decided to leave it, especially as they weren't that close yet.

"It's alright, I'm sure you had your reasons," she gave her a small smile.

Another silence fell between them but it didn't feel as tense.

"So... what are you doing up so early?" y/n asked, stepping away from the counter as someone moved over to get their coffee.

"Just woke up early and couldn't get back to sleep. I thought it would be best to get up. What about you? You don't seem like a morning person," Ramona smirked, noticing y/n's dozy appearance.

She chuckled softly and nodded, "You could say that. I'm only up because I have to cover someone at work."

"Well do you have a minute?" Ramona pointed over to the table she was sitting at.

Without even checking the time, y/n agreed and walked over to the table with her. It wouldn't hurt to talk with her for five minutes.

Sitting down opposite her, they both started to make small talk. They were pretty basic topics, mostly surrounding friends and work, but y/n didn't mind. She was just happy to be getting to know her better.

Even Ramona seemed pretty happy, the corners of her mouth raising into a slight smile every so often.

Y/n felt like she could just talk with her for hours but noticing the time, she knew she had to get going.

"Sorry, my shift starts soon, but I'm glad we got to talk," she rose from her seat, smiling at her as she walked around the table.

"Oh wait, one more thing," Ramona got up too, stepping closer to her. Y/n was confused until she noticed the slip of paper in her hand.

"I think I promised you this," handing her the paper, y/n examined the number scribbled onto it. She noticed seven kisses underneath, making her smile grow wider.

She thought Ramona might have forgotten about the number or even decided against it, so she was pleasantly surprised with the outcome.

"Thanks," she folded the paper up, tucking it safely into her pocket, "...talk to you later?"

Ramona smiled, her gaze lingering on her as she walked back to her seat, "Yeah, talk to you later."

They waved goodbye to each other and y/n made her way out the door. Even with the frosty air washing over her once again, she had a warm feeling in her heart. She kept fiddling with the paper in her pocket to make sure it was real, feeling like it would vanish if she didn't.

Even at work she couldn't really focus. She was more excited about getting home and texting Ramona.

It seemed things were finally going right for her.

Y/n Y/l/n VS The World (Ramona Flowers x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now