Chapter-1 Burning gaze

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I groaned.

Why did I half to go to the mall today?

Im so stupid. My car wasn't starting my phone died, and every time I tried getting a ride I backed out. To many scary movies.

I ran a hand through my brown hair messing up the curly locks as my fingers glided through my scalp.

I heard a honk right behind me. Making me jump and my heart speed up.

I turned around and car lights were directly in front of my eyes. I covered my blue eyes with my small hand.

A hand shot through one of the car windows and motioned me to come over there with one finger.

I shivered and felt my stomach become nautious. I don't know what the fudge this guy wants!

I slowly moved my feet closer to the car. I closed my eyes right as I stood in front of the window. I opened them slowly and...

The guy laughed. He was laughing so hard. But oddly enough is laugh was deep and husky. And I found it weirdly beautiful.

"You need a ride princess?" He asked. I blushed at the nickname and bit my lip.

"Uhm yeah, uh please" I smiled weakly at him.

"Hop in" he ushered me to come in with a big tan hand. I nodded and opened the black door at the back of the car ready to get in. But I was interrupted.

"No sit up here" he patted the front seat with a smirk. I shrugged and sat up front.

He looked at for like 3 seconds and started pulling out of the malls drive way.

He was definitely attractive. Nice sharp cheek bones. A dimple on his left cheek. Black dark hair. Light green eyes and gold that surrounded the pupil. Sharp jawline and a nice body. He was maybe like...6'5.

He turned to me and smiled. My cheeks burned with embarrassment while my stomach fluttered with a sworm of butterflies.

"So how old are you?" He asked looking at me in the corner of his eye.

"19" I drew circles on the window from the fog outside.

"You?" I looked at him.

"21" I nodded and looked out the window.

"Where are we going uh.." I was waiting for him to tell me his name.

"Xavier" he replied. "And we're going to my place Uhm..." He waited.

"Dalila" he smiled and kept driving.

"Wait so your place?" I panicked.

"Yes my place" he repeated.

"Oh ok" I bit my lip.

He pulled up to a really nice looking house. My blue eyes wandered over it.

"You like it princess?" He asked while smirking.

"Yeah" I breathed.

We walked inside. My blue eyes scanned the surroundings. It was...a little plain. But very tidy and everything looked like it belonged there .

"Uhm you can take my bed" he scratched the back of neck shyly and motioned for me to go up stairs.

"Are you sure?..." I questioned.

"Yeah yeah it's totally fine baby doll" he assured.

"Oh ok uhm" I looked at him and weakly smiled.

"I'll be down stairs" he walked out of the room closing the black door.

I laid on the bed. And sighed. It felt really nice after bending over the front of my car trying to fix the it. Key word, try.

I know I should have really been careful with going with this guy. But I don't know... My gut was just screaming out to me. It felt right.

I forced myself out of his comfy bed and walked down the stair.

My foot slipped on the last step making me fall on the wooden tile. I laughed and shook my head.

I got up and proceeded to go to the kitchen.

I realized he didn't have a shirt on. And pants but boxers. He was tan and nicely built. I giggled and blushed.

His back was away from me so...I think he didn't see/hear me coming. I tip toed closely over to him.

"Ahhhhh!!" I screamed while he jumped and turned around quickly.

"Haha very funny" he stuck his tounge out at me while I laughed my butt off.

"So uhm what cha doin?" I hopped up on the black marble counter and looked at him.

"Thinking" he eyed my legs as they swung back and forth.

"So uhm wanna ask questions?" He asked shrugging.

"Sure" I replied. "Favorite movie?" I asked.

"Uhm Karate Kid" he tapped his long fingers on the counter leaning back.

"Last name?"

"Winters" I smiled.

"When was your first kiss?" I cheekily asked him.

"Never had it" he shrugged and smiled.

"When was yours?" He raised a brow.

"Uhm...never" I laughed.

"First girlfriend?"

"Never had one" he chuckled.

"Wow really? That's suprizing" I looked at him shocked.

"What, why?" He questioned.

"Well I mean you are really good looking" I shrugged.

"I never really focused on having a girlfriend I guess" he confessed.

I nodded.

"When was your first boy friend?" He asked.

"Never had one" I said.

I looked at the clock. It was 12:00. I yawned and rubbed my eyes.

"I'm tired I think I'm gonna go to sleep" I stretched my back like a cat and hopped off the counter.

"Yeah same"

We made our way up the stairs and stopped at his room.

"You could I guess...sleep on the bed too. But like on the other side of the bed" I bit my lip and waited.

"Yeah good idea baby doll" he opened the door and say on the bed.

"Uhm do you have any extra clothes?..." I asked slowly.

"Uhm yeah look in that drawer" he pointed to the first one and I nodded.

It was about pitch black. So I quickly changed my clothes letting his navy blue shirt fall over my 5'2 figure. I kicked off my skinny jeans and belly flopped on the bed.

I slowly crawled on the other side of the bed and let my body get comfortable. And I fell asleep slowly.
Sorry this was supposed to be on July 1st but my dumb butt brother took my phone away ;-; but yeah please like and leave me a comment. And no hate please and I'll be editing this if it needs it

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