5 - The sectret

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Liam stabbed Emily in the hand, the hand she was holding the gun in. Emily screamed out in pain. The gun ended somewhere on the floor in the hall. Liam then knocked her out.

"Help me drag her into this room." Liam said to Sylvie.

Liam and Sylvie drag Emily's unconscious body into the spare bedroom. They put her on the bed and waited till Emily was back to consciousness. Emily woke up, Sylvie and Liam sat beside Emily so she wouldn't run away.

"Look who's finally woken up." Liam said.

"Where am I?" Emily asked.

"We ask the questions." Sylvie harshly said.

"Why did you do all this?" Liam asked angrily.

"'Cause I hate you guys, you have lied to me all my life long."

"What are you talking about?" Sylvie asked, confused.

"Because I found out your secret that I am adopted, and all of you knew but didn't tell me. So I tried to kill you all. And by the looks of it, it worked with Lucy." Emily said calmly.

"How did you find out?" Liam asked.

"Because of you, idiot, when you were drunk.

"Yeah, okay, but is that the reason for doing all this?" Liam asked.

"Yes, 'cause you kept all this crucial information from me!" Emily yelled.

"You psychopath! Thank goodness you're flying into jail anyway! Murderer!" Liam yelled back.

Emily began to laugh, like a psychopath.

"What's so funny?" Sylvie asked, confused.

"You guys are the only ones who are going to jail."

"What do you mean?" Liam asked, annoyed.

-Flashback to 2 day ago-

*Emily's pov*

I was waiting till they were sleeping. When I was certain that they were all asleep, I went online to look for a syringe with a lethal injection. I also looked for a hitman and a car to rent.

-Flashback to 1 day ago-

I was waiting again till they were sleeping, which took forever! When they were FINALLY asleep, I put on some gloves and grabbed the syringe with the lethal injection. I walked toward Sylvie and took her hand. I placed the syringe against her hand so that her fingerprints would be on it. After I did that, I took Sylvie's cell phone. Shit, her cell phone has a code! I began to freak out. Wait, Sylvie is not one of the smartest people, so her code should be easy to crack. Let's try 0000, shit, that's not working. Let's try 1234. YES! I'M IN! God bless her stupidness. I opened google and ordered a license plate in her name.


*3th pov*

"Hey! I'm not that stupid okay, I just forget my code easily, so I took something easy to remember."

"Calm down." Liam said.

"NO! This bitch is crazy! Now I have to go to jail even though I didn't do anything!"

"Don't say that, it's two against one. We will win this okay?"

"No, I'm done with this shit." Sylvie said as she began to walk to the closet next to the bed.

"What are you doing?" Liam asked concerned.

"Something I should have done a long time ago." Sylvie said as she pulled out a gun. 

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