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~time skip~

Willows in her room doing her hair and makeup Colby said he would take her out to dinner when he came home from the gym. He wanted to talk about something important. Willows thoughts where racing.

"Did he realised he doesn't want to date me anymore?" "Did he fall out of love with me" "ugh I'm such and idiot for rushing us to fast" "there's no way he still loves me." Her thoughts race.

Colbys POV

Colby gets dressed for the night wearing, ripped black jeans and a black jumper with a rib cage on it. He walks out his room nervous and knocks on sams door. "Yeah?" He heard from the other side. "Can I come in?" He asks. "Yeah sure" he heard before the door opened "what's up dude" Sam says sitting on his desk chair. "I'm going to ask willow something. But I need your opinion on it first?" He says Sam agrees and lets Colby talk about his plans. Sam agrees and Colby walks out his room feeling more confident. He walks over and knocks on willows door.

Willows POV:

She heard a knock on her door. "Yeah?" She asks. "Ready?" She hears Colby from the other side. "Yeah just getting my shoes on." She says stumbling to her closed grabbing black strap high heels. She puts them on and sprays some perfume on before heading out her door. "hey" she says, meeting eyes with the Man. "Hello looking lovely tonight." He says looking her up and down with a smile. "Why thank you kind sir" she say linking arms with him. They walk down stairs and go out the house. They get into Colby's car and he drive her to a restaurant. "Here we are" he says before they both get out the car. They link arms again and walk into the restaurant. Colby tells the waiter his reservation and they get seated at their table. "So willow I wanted to take you out tonight to tell you-" Colby says as he gets cut off "heyy how are we today? I'm Kevin. I'm your waiter for tonight what kind of drinks can I get for you two young lovers tonight?" He asks with a friendly smile. "I'll have a Pepsi" willow orders. "Can I have some red wine please?" Colby orders. The waiter nods and smiles and walks off. "Sorry what where you saying?" Willow asks Colby. He looks back at her and he starts to get nervous again. "Ugh. Yeah umm. I wanted to ask you something and I know it might seem rushed and I get if you don't want to go that far and I'm sorry if I'm-" Colby rambles on. "Colby. Just tell me" she says grabbing his hands and rubbing them softy. "Willow. I've loved you since we where 16 and I wanted to tell you but I was scared. But now that I actually have you I realised something." He says. Willows mind races thinking he doesn't love her anymore. "Willow since we've never been official. Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks. She froze. "Yes!" She says over joyed she smiled and hugged him. "I love you." He says and kisses her on the head. "I love you too." She says smiling at him. The waiter come over with the drinks and they cheers each other and have a great night.

~time skip~

Willow and Colby just got home from the restaurant. They open the door giggling and smiling at each other. "What are you two so happy about?" Devyn asks smiling at the pair. "Colby asked me to be his girlfriend!" Willow says throwing her hands in the air. "Oh my goddd!" Devyn says running up to her friend and hugging her. "Congrats guys!" She says giving them both a hug. They walk into the living room where everyone was sitting eating pizza. "Where were you two?" Jake asks. "Restaurant" willow says smiling. "Why so happy?" He asks "can I not be happy?" She asks. "Your never this happy." He says with a joking smile. "Colby asked me to be his girlfriend." She says. "Well done brother!" Sam says hyping up Colby. Colby laughs and blushes a little. Every one congratulates them and they all sit on the couch and watch the movie that was on.

Colbys POV:

I finally asked her, now I can finally say she's mine. I smiles to myself and looks down at the girl cuddling into me "I love her so much" i though. I get  off the couch and carry the sleeping girl to her room. I place her down in the bed and I'm about to leave when I feel a tug on my shirt. I turn around to see her awake. "Sorry did I wake you?" I ask. "No I just want you to say with me." She says. I smile to myself wondering if I should stay. I finally give into the thought and slip into bed with her. I feel her cuddle into me. This was better than sleeping on my own, alone.

Willows POV:

I cuddle into Colby slowly drifting off to sleep in his arms.

My eyes open and I feel someone shake me awake. "Mom?" I say as I see my mom shaking me awake. "Sweetie." She says. I fully open my eyes and look around. "Are you alright?" She asks. "Yeah I'm fine." I say. "Great, get ready for school." She says before leaving my room. "School?" I asks myself. I get up and shower and get my outfit picked out for school. I get dressed and grab my bag on the floor and walk down the stairs. I see my mom standing with a piece of toast. "Here eat this and go to school or you'll be late." She says. I take the toast and walk out the house. I get to school and go into my class. "Hello everyone, how are we all today? Today we have a new student please welcome him with open arms." She says as a shy kid walks out from behind her. "Son, go sit over next to Willow." She says pointing at me. He nods and makes his way to the back of the class. "Hey I'm willow, what's your name?" I say. "I'm Colby." He says.


The end.

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