Bonus Chapter: Harmony's Reconciliation: Uniting Norberg and Hectoria

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Elena stood at the entrance of the royal palace, bidding farewell to the visiting royals who had joined her for the grand Feast of Friendship. The sun bathed the courtyard in a warm golden glow as she expressed her gratitude.

Elena: "Thank you once again for gracing us with your presence. May your journey back home be safe and pleasant!"

Isabel, Elena's younger sister, stood beside her, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

Isabel: "It seems like the Feast of Friendship was an enormous success, Elena."

Elena nodded, a faint smile tugging at her lips.

Elena: "Indeed, it was a triumph! Although, I must admit, King Hector's unexpected appearance managed to turn our joyous occasion into quite the adventure. He arrived uninvited, wasted no time in hurling insults at everyone in sight, and, to top it off, his antics caused us to shrink down to the size of peanuts."

As Elena began to walk away, Isabel's astonishment was palpable.

Isabel: "Whoa."

The scene transitioned to the magnificent ship where King Hector sailed alongside Queen Abigail. The vessel glided gracefully across the shimmering ocean waves.

King Hector turned to Queen Abigail, a mischievous glint in his eyes, as he boasted about his ship.

Hector: "So, Queen Abigail, are you absolutely sure you don't want to order a ship as extraordinary as my wave smasher? It's completely unsinkable, you know!"

He swung a golf club with all his might, but the ball barely traveled a few feet. Frustrated, his servant swiftly intervened, giving it an additional kick to send it further. Hector casually tossed the golf club aside, and his servant caught it skillfully.

Hector: "Why don't you give it a try, Abigail? I dare you. Here!"

He threw a gaff towards Abigail, a mischievous smile playing on his lips.

Abigail looked at him skeptically, raising an eyebrow.

Abigail: "Don't be absurd, Hector."

Hector persisted, a glimmer of excitement in his eyes.

Hector: "Come on, Abinator. Prepare to be amazed!"

Abigail hesitated for a moment before mustering her strength and throwing the gaff towards the ship. To everyone's surprise, it struck the vessel with a resounding crack, leaving a noticeable mark.

Abigail: "Wow."

Hector's jubilation quickly transformed into anger as he surveyed the damage.

Hector: "Look what you've done!"

Abigail, bewildered, responded sharply.

Abigail: "You specifically told me to do it!"

Hector's face contorted into an expression reminiscent of an angry child, directed at Queen Abigail.

Hector: "Uh, you haven't heard the last of this, Queenie!"

The atmosphere crackled with tension as the two royals locked eyes, their disagreement lingering in the air.

In the following scene, Queen Abigail, her voice tinged with frustration and concern, continued to share the predicament she found herself in with Elena and Naomi.

Abigail: "And now, Hector is insisting that I buy him a brand new ship, or else he's determined to ruin Norberg's Family Day!"

Naomi's eyes widened in disbelief, her voice filled with indignation.

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