Ch.14: Honor to the End

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"Pyramid is up ahead, remember the plan, you all find the prisoners, I'll find Damascos" Y/N's voice bloomed over everyone's hearing, as they approached the Pyramid, the levitating elevator in sight, resonating with a light orange energy as it was guarded by Acolyte forces.

"Small group of guards, should be easy to dispatch" Onyx spoke up, smirking as he threw a device toward the group of unsuspecting guards.

One of them took notice of the device sliding past him, speaking in his native tongue, he insisted on investigating this unknown device before he along with the group were electrocuted to death, falling to the floor not long after.

"Good one" Y/N complimented.

"Let's move" Dallios stood up from his couched position, battle mask formed around his face as his team moved up with him, Y/N soon followed suit behind them.

"The elevator will take us up, just mind your step because it -" the elevator immediately began lifting up the group up into the docked Pyramid.

Without warning as they were lifted up into the Pyramid, the lift shoved them onto the platform, which Nova and Onyx were not prepared for the landing, Dallios and Y/N landed on their feet however.

"Okay Y/N, a little warning next time?" A groaning Nova asked, rubbing her backside.

"I tried! But... Ugh, never mind" he sighed, both Nova and Onyx got back on their feet as they both looked at the Pyramid architecture on the walls.

"So this is what the inside of a Pyramid looks like?" Onyx scratched his chin.

"Enough distractions, we need to find the prisoners before it's too late" Dallios commanded, arming his weapon once more.

"I agree with Dallios, go find them, I'll deal with Damascos... Alone"

"You're sure about facing him alone?" Nova asked with concern on her face, almost like she didn't want him to fight alone... Again.

"I am sure Nova... This is my fight, I am going to end this, one way or another  ~" He replied, placing a hand on her shoulder with a slight smile - "But if I don't come back from this, tell Supergirl that I... -"

"I know... I'll tell her" she slightly smiled back, hugging him once more before joining up with her team.

"Valkyrie" he spoke his partner's name as she uncloaked herself.


"Go with them, help them locate the prisoners" he ordered before she floated in front of his face.

"What? That's what you meant by fighting him alone?... No no no, no! I'm not leaving your side, we're in this together! You said that to me!!" she immediately ranted, her voice distraught with his words.

"Valk... *sigh* - Listen, you're the only one capable of helping them locate the prisoners, you can hack into literally anything, they need your help more than I do"

"But you're not 100% on your powers yet, if he kills you, you'll die a final death, I can only revive you within short period of time or..." she stopped as her little blue iris looked down.

"Hey, it's 50/50, if he kills me, we all know who'll avenge me" he joked with a chuckle.

"Y/N this isn't funny" she scolded.

"I know... But... Please. Go with Team Maxios, they need you, they need the smartest intellect I've known... Besides Brainy of course but I'll be fine... I promise" he replied with a warm smile.

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