Chapter 7~Memories?

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**Germany's POV**

I tried to think of something to do when he stopped screaming as suddenly as he started. "Everyvone go back to bed. If he starts again find somezhing to plug your ears vith. And zhis is an order." I didn't want them all tired in the morning. They all went to bed, including Russia.

I paced around, looking at him often. He was still sweating like crazy and shuddering as if he were cold. I knelt down and felt his forehead. Mein gott, he's burning up! I quickly tried to find something to cool him down with. The best I could do was use a clean shirt to wipe off his face and use the cool grass to make a mat to put on his head.

I probably could have done more, but I don't know what. He has been moaning for the past hour and I can't do anything to stop it. I hated feeling so useless. It was like someone had taken all my ability to be useful away.

As night slowly turned to dawn, his moaning got just a bit softer. I looked over and saw he was sweating less than before. His shaking has gone down too. Things seemed to be getting better until he screamed again, louder than ever, just as the sun was appearing over the horizon. I guess, in a way, he wanted them to get good sleep too, before waking them all up.

Everyone all bolted up at the same time, as if they had planned it. I almost laughed, but then I remembered why they had bolted up and felt more like crying. "Has he gotten any better or worse?" I nearly jumped when I realized it was only Canada asking about his friend.

I turned around to face him and saw concern etched all over his face. "He seemed to have gotten better, but zhen he started screaming again." As if on cue another scream pierced the air. "I honestly don't know vhat to zhink about his sickness anymore. All I want to know is what he's screaming about."

He looked even sadder than before. "Oh. If there's anything you need, just ask and I'll help to the best of my abilities, eh." He turned around and started helping everyone getting breakfast and making sure they ate all they needed.

I yawned. I guess I should have tried sleeping a little bit last night. I'll take a power nap later. I set about getting things organized and spent until midday training everybody. Then I took a two hour nap, ate lunch, and continued training everybody. Italy still didn't wake and continued his screaming in torture.

We continued repeated this schedule for the next few days while we waited for him to wake up. His skin started gradually paling and his veins becoming more prominent day by day. On the fifth day his screams died down to once every couple hours, and not nearly as loud as they were before. But it wasn't until the sixth day, in the middle of the night, when something different happened.

He woke up with a scream. By this time his skin was very pale and his veins were only too noticeable. He seemed like whatever had happened scared him, possibly more than the monster itself. What could have scared him so badly? I quickly woke everyone up.

He looked around and seemed surprised at where he was. "Vhat 'appened, mon ami?" It seemed like I wasn't the only one who was confused. France was in the same boat of worry and concern.

"I-i-i r-remembered w-w-when...." He shuddered. "W-when t-they were t-t-taking m-my m-m-mem..." He began shaking and crying so hard he was nearly choking.

I bent down next to him and put a hand gently on his shoulder. He immediately recoiled from my touch, so I pulled my hand away. "It's alvight, Italy. Ve only vant to help you, okay?"

He still couldn't talk so he nodded instead. I noticed bags under his eyes and other signs of being sleep deprived. "Do you vant to go back to sleep?" I didn't think he would because it might bring back his horrible vision.

"N-n-no." It seemed like that was all he could get out, so I didn't push him for more.

"Okay. I'll stay up vith you. Everyvone else go back to sleep! Ve have a lot of discussing to do tomorrow and I vant you avake for it! Now go!" Everyone obediently went back to bed and was promptly asleep.

"G-Germany." It was so soft I could hardly hear when Italy said my name.


"Promise you won't leave me. I already lost my memories, I don't want to lose my friend too." He looked like he was so very scared I would abandon him. What else could have happened in his vision? Was it something to do with me?

"I von't. I vill stay by your side as long as you vant. I promise." And just to make sure he got my message I put my arm over his shoulders. In response he grabbed my hand and pulled into my side, making it into a kind of side-hug.

"Grazie, Germany." In a few minutes he had fallen asleep, a smile on his face.


I decided to have a happy ending to this chapter, especially for GerIta fans. Yes, I am one too. I just love ya guys that much. Actually, I just didn't want Germany to suffer too much. Comments and opinions rock, and so will you if you give them to me!

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