Chapter 1: The Big Day

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((Y/N) POV)

I was in my room, playing invasion. I was shooting balls out of a gun simalier to a ray gun. But I took a break and lay on my bed, wondering aimlessly, wising to be like my mother. But it feels like it wont come ture.

(Y/N): *sigh* i wish i can be like my mother. having minions, my own ship to deystory the galaxy and to deystory the thoses blasted space rangers! *sigh* that be the best thing ever.

A hear a knock on the door as it way my mom, Gravitina.

Gravitina: son, would you mind coming down. I need to tell you something.

(Y/N): coming mother.

I get off my bed and walked down stairs, meeting my mother.

(Y/N): so, what is it?

Gravitina: well, i was thinking that since your older. I think now is the time for you to become an evil overlord.

My eyes widen with glee.

(Y/N): are you serious!?

Gravitina: very much so. That's why I got you your own ship.

I gasped as me and my mom walked to see a space ship, my very own space ship.

I gasped as me and my mom walked to see a space ship, my very own space ship

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(Y/N): mom, it's beautiful.

Gravitina: and it's all yours. Along with your very own minions, army and henchmen.

(Y/N): Oh wow mom, I don't what to say.

Gravitina: it's ok sweetie. But, one more thing before you go.

She pulls out a Canon and gives it to me.

(Y/N): mom, you can't be serious! A fusion canon that I always wanted when I was 6.

Gravitina: you deserved it son. You showm how much you wanted to fill my shoes after I retired. But now go out there, conger and destroy planted for your mother and tell them why your name should be feared.

(Y/N): I will mom, I'll make you proud.

I entered my ship as it lifted off and went through space. I was walking around my new ship, Testing some things. Meeting scourge and his team, the crew of pawns and seeing my army that either turn on or off.

Egg pawn: Greetings your evilness.

(Y/N): evilness, I like that. So, your the bots my mother got.

Egg pawn 2: yes sir, your mother told us your the one running this ship and as your workers.

I start to laugh devilishly.

(Y/N): excellent, now let's blow up and conger some plants shall we.

I was destroying and conger some planets and even galaxies. I even ran into some space rangers, but scourge, battle and nightbird blasted them into oblivion as scourge took there insignias and meld them into his arms as trophys. But i soon found a new galaxy thst i wanted to conger and thought tp be the perfect galxy to build my empire.

(Y/N): everyone, we are congering this galaxy and see if we can have some fun.

Freezer: my lord, I found a planet that if full of a rare substance called...vocainum X.

(Y/N): *gasp* thats rare alright. If we gain it, how does it go up.

Pawn 6: it has the possibility of that would build new robots and run our ship forever. Also, it has living beings on it called maximals, they have this device called "a transwaep key". Which can lead to other rare resources.

(Y/N): a transwarp key you say...interesting. Scourge!

Scourge walks in as he kneels down, I turn my throne chair to see him.

Scourge: yes, my master.

(Y/N): I want you to go down there and see if these maximalls have anything that are good for my ship. Also, take some scorponks with you.

Scourge: of course.

He gets up and walks away as he gets into a pod and goes to the planet of maximals. What new things wait for me In this galaxy?

(I hope you all like it and see you in the next chapter)

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(I hope you all like it and see you in the next chapter)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2023 ⏰

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