Chapter 1

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They were walking towards Mori's office for the second time today. It must of been an unexpected urgent mission since they didn't even have time to go back with their 'normal' work.

"Come in” said Mori. Elise was sitting on the floor, drawing, like every other time they came into Mori's office. "I apologise for the short notice, but I have an undercover mission for both of you."

'Another one?' Wanted to protest Chuuya, but ended up not saying anything, leaving his boss to fill them up with the information needed.

"This mission takes place in Musutafu. You'll be infiltrating into UA."

He was sending them to high school?! And most importantly, one where wanna be heroes’ study at?! The boss has clearly lost his mind if he really believes he can pull this kind of shit out.

"Ehhh?! Are you really sending us to that place Mori-san??! Is this some kind of punishment?" Whined Dazai, throwing his hands up in the air.

"Of course not, Dazai-kun" Mori chuckled "Becoming a hero has started to become a big trend around the youngest, and even though Yokohama is isolated from the rest of Japan, sooner or later the newer heroes will eventually try to intervene in Yokohama, and eventually with us, the Port Mafia." He then picked up two folders and handed them to the teenagers.

"Still, I don't understand why us specially have to be sent, boss." Infiltrating UA was going to be a pain, and honestly? Chuuya couldn't care less about those wanna be heroes, he could crush them in seconds. And he most likely would.

"I forgot how slow you were, slug." Chuuya groaned at the comment. Dazai smirked momentarily. "We're the only mafiosi within the age range to enter UA that are also useful enough to get the most information out of them without creating suspicions. " He explained. Mori nodded.

"As Dazai-kun said, you two are the best choice we have for this mission. In the folders I previously handed you, you have all the information needed for this operation." He placed his chin on his hands. "You'll have three months to prepare and then you'll be taking a flight to Musutafu, were, if everything goes well, you'll most likely be there for the following three to four years."

"THREE TO FOUR YEARS?!?" Chuuya interrupted.

"What did you expect? We can't get all the information needed in just a few days." Dazai responded slightly annoyed at his partner's 'dramatic' reaction while closing the folder that he was previously giving a quick look.

"You won't be alone, though. " The boss retook, getting the attention from the teenagers back. "Elise-chan will also be joining you." He smiled and turned to look at said girl, who was still drawing in the same spot as when the first walked in.

"As long as I'm away from Rintarou. I know that would make him sad." She said in an innocent voice, but still managing to keep the mean meaning.

"You're so mean Elise~" Mori cried while Elise was enjoying the scene.

"Err, if it's possible, why is she comin'? She most likely wouldn't be allowed in there." Chuuya tried to get the conversation back where it was supposed to be at.

"Well, it's to make sure the mission is going well. We can't risk getting in contact while the mission is going, so you'll have to fill in Elise-chan with any important information and the rest is up to Elise-chan to contact me." He hadn't taken his eyes off of her yet.

Chuuya was about to question the method, but then he remembered that anything that Mori knows, Elise does too, and vice-versa. So, it was clearly and a clever way to work things out.

Seeing how different Elise acted from Mori had multiple times drove him to forget she's his ability. Even still, he'll always saw her as her own person, even while being aware she's the personification of what Mori wants her to be.

"Mori-san, the files mention about a fourth person being implicated in this mission. But it's not specificized. I'll like to hear your reasoning." Dazai contributed.

"Of course. Who we're referring to is Hirotsu-san." He finally took his eyes out of Elise. Now focused on Dazai. "Ordinary teenagers can't afford living on their own, so I talked with Hirotsu-san and we came with a solution. In the meantime, you three will be in Musutafu, getting all the needed information about the newer generations of heroes, Hirotsu-san will be your temporal guardian." He straightened his posture before continuing. "He won't be going with you, but anything that a normal parent would be needed to be informed about their children will come to him, and in the case, he'll end up being needed to assist momentary, he'll be there."

"But wouldn't it be easier for him to come to, instead of stayin' here?"

"We thought of that too, but as he won't be there to gain information, he would be best needed here, rather than in Musutafu." He said with an intended saddened expression. "If that's all were your current doubts, you can go back to what you were up to before this meeting. And please, do come back if there's anything you'll need to resolve after carefully reading the files." He gave them his typical calm smile.


In resume, the files specified how they'll be entering UA.

They were getting in via recommendation.

The entrance exam consists of a written test, practical test, and an interview. For the practical exam, students race six at a time through a three-kilometer-long obstacle course using their quirks.

They most likely needed to get used to call abilities 'quirks' now, or else the facade would be teared faster than any of the two could slip out. Not only that, but had to use more simplistic and self-explicatory names for their 'quirks'.

So now, No Longer Human would be known as a nullifying quirk and For the Tainted Sorrow as a Gravity control quirk. Quite lame if you asked them.

There wouldn't be any problem with them having abilities if the quirk users and even quirkless outside of Yokohama weren't discriminatory to ability users. In fact, they already discriminate quirkless people. The only reason why they mostly feared ability users was because their skills are stronger than quirks by default. But also, how these could end up turning into singularities.

Dazai managed to get the written exam, so that one would be a clear point for both of them. The practical exam, in the other hand. It was clear that Chuuya would be capable of completing it without a single swept, but Dazai didn't. He'll have to run without the help of any ability or quirk.

In any other occasion, they would have made a bet of who could run the fastest without using abilities, in this case; but having Chuuya run the fastest he could while manipulating his own gravity would be beneficial for them. After all, as long as one of them passed the exams, the mission could continue.

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