Jackass Bang

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    Johnny and his beloved girlfriend Steve-o, just got back to their hotel after a long day of filming. Johnny threw his tired, sweaty body on the bed. "Hey Knoxville, I'm going to get  a shower." Steve-o uttered, batting his eyelashes. "Okay pretty girl Stephen." Johnny replied, taking off his shirt. He threw it aside, revealing his lower built body. A little while passes by, Steve-o walks out the bathroom bare booty naked. Johnny bites his lips, "Wow baby come here." He flirts, adjusting his body in a sitting position. The fine babe Steve-o listened, practically sprinting his naked body over to his bae. He sits besides Knoxville, leaning in to kiss his neck, the taste of sweat explodes on his tongue. Steve-o licked his lips, pushing Johnny gently back on the bed. He flipped his body over and proceeded to spread adorable Johnny's butt cheeks apart, the smell of sweet ass filled the air. Steve-o licked his index and middle fingers. He proceeded to rub them in a circle around Johnny's butthole. "Mmmmmh babe." Knoxville moaned.   

    Meanwhile Bam Margera was walking back from the bar, he was with some girl he was planning to hook up with. But oh wait, a lovely smell filled his nostrils. He picked up the girl and threw her into a dumpster. Bam began to sprint until the smell got stronger. After running a couple of miles he got to a hotel room. He busted through the door to spot Steve-o eating Johnny's ass. "Wow." Bam said, "Johnny is the one that smells so fucking good." "Indeed he does, come here and join us." Steve-o uttered. "Just so you cuties know, I don't make love.. I fuck, hard." Bam barked, proceeding to strip his clothing off. Johnny and his girlfriend Steve-o blushed so hard. Big Boy Bam jumped in bed with them. He fondled Johnny's body then dug his hands in his unwashed ass, "Do you guys wanna use rope?" Bam growled, basically giving them no time to answer, he reached for his man purse and dug around for his dirty rope. Once he retrieved it he tied Steve-o up. "Let's both give him a real bang!" Johnny suggested. Bam nodded. They both reached out and pleasured different parts of his excited body. While Bam was busy heavily making out with Steve-o, Johnny was slowly traveling to his girlfriend's wiggly feet, he put his tongue between his dirt filled toes, licking so fucking hard. Sexy Steve-o couldn't contain his giggles. This made Bam very angry!! "Kiss me back Steve-o!!" Big Bam yelled. "B...but Johnny's eating my toes.." Steve-o defended. Bam was filled with so much rage, "If you can't handle kissing me back while he licks your toes, let's see if you can handle this!" He shouted. Bam jumped up and grabbed a double dong from his bag. "I'm putting this whole fucking dong in your ass." Bam barked, Johnny was in on the idea as well. "What?! no, not you too my beloved Johnny!" Steve-o screamed. "It's okay honey, me and bam bam just wanna challenge your butt hole." Johnny reassured worried Steve-o. Bam lubed up the sex toy, "Spread his ass cheeks." Boom Bam told Knoxville. He did just that, spreading them so far. Bam put the dong in super fast. Steve-o's eyes rolled to the back of his head, "Wow, I surprisingly liked that." He said wanting more. "See Steve-o, it wasn't that bad." Johnny said, "yeah, I'm sorta surprised you can handle that." Bam added, taking the toy out of Stephen's booty. He teased sloppy Steve and put the dong in half way,"Nooo, put it in me all the way!" Steve-o begged. "I'm gonna removed it." Bam said, throwing it on the floor. He untied cute little Steve-o, "get on all fours." Bam told him, directing Johnny to do the same. Once they both were positioned all sexy, bam slipped the double dong in both of their butts. When bam said they could be done, Steve-o searched through Baby Bam's man purse, He found some of his black nail polish. "Dump some in your eye and I will let you keep the dong." Bam said, pointing to the fun adult toy. Slurpy Steve jumped in on the offer, putting some in his eye, just as he was dared to do. He began to scream in agony, "Here, I'll help you baby!!" Johnny said, sprinting into action. Johnny took Steve-o in the bathroom, closing the door as quickly as they entered. Bam thought it would be hilarious to leave, and to also bring the double dong with him.

The end, enjoy this picture of Johnny;) 

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