the new nighbhoors?!

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Authors note:pls excuse my bad story telling skills and if I accidentally spell something wrong

It was a normal day in home not home as in Wally's house but in the neighborhood and they were expecting some new neighbor well actually they were expecting new neighbors yes you heard me they weren't getting just one new neighbor they were getting a lot for a since of a restaurant and the night guard who would occasionally come for their shift or not when it was their shift but they weren't one of the new neighbors

The new neighbors were animatronics who kinda worked at the restaurant but the owners who actually owned the restaurant didn't even pay them but that's besides the point and being honest only home as in Wally's house and Wally knew about the new neighbors but soon the others in the neighborhood would know about the new neighbors.

The new neighbors that were mostly important meaning they were he most popular with kids and all were a demon based off the Japanese demon called the onie demon this demon her name is neso with her nickname being ne her tail was a connector the thing on the top of a plug, one a chicken that cooks usually but neso as been recently the chickens name is chickenana or something like that (I forgot) but his actual name is caleb, another a fox with a hook and a eye patch she's a bit hyper her name is foxalina but her actual name is lillyana with her nickname being lilly, and the last one being a rabbit that plays the guitar just like neso the rabbits name is bunny but her actual name is bella with her nickname being bell.

Before they even arrived Wally went out side making sure he said home goodbye before hand once wally saw Eddie he waved "hey Eddie! " Wally said excitedly "oh hey Wally! " Eddie said waving back at wally "say Eddie would you mind to make an arts and craft thing and tell the others to make or bring something as well? " Wally asked Eddie as he walked up to him "why sure but why? " Eddie asked looking down as Wally "we are going to get new neighbors! " Wally said very happy and very excited "new neighbors?! Don't we usually get one? " Eddie asked still kinda happy and excited as well "we do but this is very new and exciting aren't you excited?! " Wally asks kinda jumping up and down out of excitement "of course I am! I can't wait to meet them! I'll go inform the others and make that gift! " Eddie says running to Franks and his house to tell frank first as Wally watched him and waved to him.

Authors note:sorry if this is kinda short and so sorry if it's bad or too long with some sentences and if this seems out of character at all I'll try to make it in character since I do kinda know how the characters are described and or possibly act but I'll probably make another chapter to this later since I'm a bit lazy to do it now

"jeez what's up with the new neighbor or more like neighbors" Part 1Where stories live. Discover now