"the girls task" part 4 of "the new nighbhoors"

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Authors note:I decided that this will have sallys, Julie's and Poppy's Prov in this also any art you see up top is not mine this one specifically was made by clown aka the creator of welcome home but any art you see in the story is most likely mine

Poppy's Prov

After Eddie had left Julie asked me if I could make some cookies and I agreed because I thought that making cookie would have been wonderful and that they might enjoy it so I got started while Sally and Julie were both planning out a play idea for us to do

After a while I asked them "so how is the play planning going? " "hm not go good poppy" Julie whined a bit sad that it wasn't going to good "oh dear what is the problem? " I asked putting the cookie in the oven once again after checking to see if they were done they were not...

"Hm well he don't have anything down poppy" Sally said looking at the empty paper usually she would have stuff written on there but she didn't makes sense since she nor Julie would know what play the new neighbors would like

Sallys Prov

While Julie was still laying on the floor poppy came over to look at the paper "oh my you do have nothing on here" poppy said looking at the empty paper "yeah that's because we don't know what the new neighbors would like I mean we could do like a love story but that just seems weird for them and I don't think they would like a lover story either way... " Julie said finally sitting up

"Well... Maybe do a adventure like play" poppy suggested "oh poppy! That's a wonderful idea thank you!!! " I say very happy I had got a play idea and me and Julie started writing stuff for the play down with poppy watching us

Julie's prov

After a while poppy goes back to the cookies and took them out "the cookies are done" poppy says taking the cookie to us and me and Sally looked at them in awe they smelled just as good as they looked "oh! They looked wonderful poppy! Me and Sally are done writing stuff for the play down we just have to practice before the play starts! " I say getting up and holding a hand out for sally to get up

Sally gets up and grabs the paper she says "me and Julie are going to my house to practice see ya later poppy! " "alright bye sally, bye Julie" poppy says waving "bye poppy! " me and Sally day running out of the door and waving bye to her back

Authors note:heck yeah! Done with chapter 4! Next howdy's turn! We get to see what howdy do to get ready!!! Alright see y'all then

"jeez what's up with the new neighbor or more like neighbors" Part 1Where stories live. Discover now