Smoking cigarettes on the roof

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Background information
You guys are seniors  in high school you are 17 and Tom,Bill,Gustav and georg are all 18. (Ik Gus and georg are older but I wanted it to fit.) Your best friends are Bill, Nola (17), and Quinn(17).
You and Tom have hated each other since fifth grade when you moved to there school.

⚠️ Cussing  and this book has kind of smut⚠️

You walk through the two huge doors that lead to the school. "Hi y/n!!" Said bill as he pulls you
in for a big hug!
"Hi bill" you say. Just then you see Tom, Bills twin brother. He is glaring at you like always.
"Are you so excited about the camping trip??" Bill says "SHIT I TOTALLY FORGOT ABOUT MY TENT!!!" You say.
"It's okay just bring a tent tomorrow" said bill.
"Okay" you say "I'm gonna go to class" you say.
"BYEEEEE" you and bill say at the same time.
After class you go and meet bill outside.
"Bill I'm sorry I can't hang out today my mom needs me at home for some stupid ass reason." You say
"Oh it's alright" Tom chimes in "we didn't want you over anyways" he said
"Tom!!" Bill says while slapping Toms shoulder. "Don't say that shit" says bill. You just flip him off.
"Okayyyy. I will see you tomorrow for the camping trip!!!" Bill says with a warm smile.
When you get home you go upstairs and throw your bag on the floor.
"Y/N I need some help" calls your mom
After you are done helping her you go upstairs and fall asleep.
The next morning you wake up and think "what the fuuuuuuck, is it really morning?"
You get up and find a white crop top with stars on it and baggy cargo pants. "Fuck school starts in 15 minutes" you think as you sprint down to your garage. You grab a tent and run to your car. When you get to school you immediately get on a bus.
You look around to see all of your friends sitting next to each other. So you sit in a seat by yourself "hopefully no one sits next to me." You say to yourself as you put your bag on the seat.
About five minutes later you see Tom get on the bus. He walks to where you are sitting and grabs your bag and sits down.
"Go sit somewhere else" you say. "See I would Y/N but there are no more seats open dumbass" Tom says. "I tried sitting on the floor but the bus driver yelled at me" Tom says chuckling "haha very funny" you say in a sarcastic voice
You and Tom sit in silence for about 10 minutes. Then you feel toms head rest on your shoulder as he falls asleep.
You look down at him and he has a smile on his face. You fall asleep resting your head on his head.

AN: sorry this was so short

Hope you enjoyed❤️

The camping trip - You X Tom Kaulitz - Enemies To LoversWhere stories live. Discover now