Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Law was changing his clothes before he headed outside. The Polar Tang had surfaced so they could get some much-needed sunshine and fresh air. Lyanna had gotten up some time ago, leaving him alone in bed when he awoke. He'd been roused slightly by her weight, leaving the bed beside him, but he wasn't awake enough to tell her to stay. By the time she'd dressed and closed the door behind her, he was out cold again. Their efforts last night had tired him, evidently.

They would make port in a few days at a large island, and Law realised that the bargain between him and Lyanna had been fulfilled as of today. She'd stayed for 2 months and was physically healthy. Her mental health had improved, but it wasn't perfect. Maybe someone with her physical and emotional scars could never fully recover. Chances were, before they met, she was a high-functioning woman with depression. From what Lyanna had told him, and his crew, she led an almost entirely solitary lifestyle. Her time was spent moving from island to island on the Grand Line, finding, selling and collecting information. Her interactions with people were for her work and didn't satisfy any primal social needs. He could see and feel that she was a lonely person. Still, she was reserved, had difficulty opening up to anyone, and thus, rarely made connections. Making friends required emotional vulnerability, and it was highly likely that she never put herself out there at risk of getting hurt. Being onboard the Polar Tang and in such close quarters with everyone had forced her to create bonds with his crew, especially since they had helped to save her life. Perhaps being so vulnerable before she had even been conscious around them had made her feel more at ease with them. Their proximity was likely the factor for him becoming so close with her as well, even though it was more physical. He did feel at ease with her, though, like she didn't require much social energy to be around. Maybe her unassuming nature and usual solitude made her that way.

With Whitebeard gone and his crew scattered to the winds, her only friends were gone. He doubted she would ever be genuinely okay unless she could find a trace of them. They couldn't all be dead; it wasn't impossible, but it seemed far too implausible to consider it. Law expected they had gone into hiding and maybe gone their separate ways to keep under the radar. If Lyanna had hope about them being alive, she would be alright. However, she might throw herself into the sea as she had said when they'd first met if no hope existed.

Law buttoned his pants as he smirked at his bed's messy state. The smell of Lyanna still lingered in the room, with hints of sweat and sex underneath it. Although they had surfaced, he didn't really want to open the window and let the fresh air in. He chewed on his bottom lip as he inhaled and fondly recalled the previous night.

Lyanna's fingers tangled in his hair, pulling on it with pleasurable force while she breathed his name wantonly. Her legs shook, moving against his head while he clamped an arm over her hips to keep her from shifting too much.

Forgetting the window, he left his room and headed above deck. His crew greeted him, and Ikkaku beckoned him over to share the meal they were all eating. Hakugan was on his right, and Ikkaku on his left as he sat. It was a simple meal, mostly made up of whatever they had left since they were low on supplies. There was some rice, soup, and freshly baked bread. It was nice to sit around and chat with everyone, even though Law was primarily quiet for the few hours they spent above deck. Ikkaku, Lyanna, and Shachi chatted idly, and Jean Bart stared out at the surrounding water. Penguin was reading a book while Uni, Hakugan and Clione played a card game. Bepo dozed, snoring softly, lying on his back. Law was beside him, leaning against the large mink's side with his eyes closed, but he wasn't asleep. Occasionally, he felt eyes on him but didn't stir, unfazed by whoever was looking at him.

The sun was beginning to set as everyone started to make their way back below deck, and Bepo walked behind Law as they headed to the lounge. He vaguely noticed Lyanna walking into the kitchen, along with Uni and Penguin, as they carried their dishes and cutlery to clean it all up. The second she could walk, Lyanna had started assisting and ensuring that she earned her keep while on board with them. She was the kind of crewmate that Law would be happy to keep around, even though he knew she wouldn't stay. She had said as much when they'd talked about it before and doubted that her answer had changed since then.

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