Our Journey

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This story takes place near residential sector F5 and the Toma McIntyre Primary School (TMPS for short) in the seaside city of Daen-Tario one day in 1994 as two 6 year old primary school students by the names of Chikako Matsuo and Kristjan Beliveau were introduced to one another by their mom's, Mai Matsuo and Anzu Beliveau. Hello the young girl says politely, giving a bow as Kris returned the bow politely, not wanting to mess it up as it was done in front of both their parents. How cute Chika giggled, see you around Kris as she and her mom left for home. What do you think of the nearby neighbour dear her mom asks? He's cute mom she smiles, I hope we can become good friends. Most definitely Chika, I've known Anzu for a few years now, I'm sure you two will hit it off immediately. As the days, months passed, they got to know each other both on and off school property, though a bit mischievous towards each others in playing pranks, sometimes making each other cry, getting scolded in the process but hugging it out nonetheless as a request from their parents, never once having lost sight of their friendship together. Spending time together during a 3 day nightly festival dressed up in formal attire, watching the fireworks, Chika cutely kissed Kris on the cheek, making his face turn red, as she teased him for being shy. How adorable Mai laughs, I think my daughter likes your son Anzu, it's the cutest thing ever in how sweet she's being to him and how shy he is. Anzu chuckled, yes I have to agree Mai, my friend. Are you two done teasing us Chika asks them before grabbing Kris' hand, walking away. Don't go too far please you two Mai & Anzu reminded them as they moved several spots down from their parents to have some cute puppy love privacy in watching the stars in the sky above. Will I get to see you again Kris, Chika asks him since people in attendance were starting to leave the festival venue, who nodded yes, cutely kissing her cheek in return, thus teasing her this time around for being shy. Eeek! She playfully shrieks, awh Kris as her face flushes pink. Time to go you two love birds their parents laugh as they hugged and departed for their homes. Primary school came and went as they moved onto North Meadows middle school together despite being in different classes for both 1st and 2nd year (grades 7 &8). Both were exceptionally hardworking students, often making a bet to see whom would get the higher passing mark in each of the core subjects. I win Chika smirks, giving off her trademark gleeful smile/giggle (how it began), you have to buy me lunch with your allowance Kris. Congratulations, giving her a high-five, anything you want on the menu or on the store shelves is on me. Hmm, what do I want she ponders eyeing several bags of candy on the store shelves. Someone's got a sweet tooth he jokingly teases her, earning himself a "shush you" with a smile in response as the bag of candy was paid for at the counter. Want me to share she sweetly smirks, holding out a piece of candy in her palm. You want me to eat it out of your palm he laughs. Hehe, yup she smiles, it's the only way you'll ever get one Kris. Sporting a mischievous grin, he snapped up the bag of candy from her hand before she could react. Huh?? Oh my gosh! Kristjan Beliveau! Get back here!! Chasing after him. Oof, oww as she tackled him down onto the grass. Okay okay I give he laughs, handing it back to Chika. You brat! (laughing), that was pretty crafty/sneaky thinking on your part, returning to class shortly thereafter for the remainder of the afternoon. One day near the end of the school year on a Friday, some people whom Chika did not recognize began giving her a hard time, pushing her around outside of the main doors, upsetting the 2nd year middle school student in the process. Stop she begs and leave me alone. By this time the entire school knew how close she and Kris had become as a few students flagged him down, alerting him of the scene unfolding outside. Hey! Get away from her this instant he shouts, bursting through the main doors, shielding his friend from harm much to her surprise and delight. If you want a fight, you got one he tells them off. Eh whatever! She's not worth it anymore and neither are you chump, they laugh, departing the property. You okay Chika he asks, who clung to him in sobs. Kris.. Thank you.. Come, let's go, extending out his hand for her to take who did so without hesitation, heading to the Matsuo residence, explaining to her mom what all happened on school grounds. Kris.. Thank you Mai smiles, helping out my daughter. Take care Chika, giving her a reassuring nod but was stopped before being able to exit the front door. Please stay for dinner she asks him, sporting a happy but shy smile. Is it okay with your mom though he asks? Absolutely Kris, Mai says, it's the least I could do, you'll have to call your mom though. Oh? Anzu says in shock, how sweet of you Kris, yes most definitely you can stay for dinner at the Matsuo residence, I'll bring dessert over later as well. Dinner went well that evening as Chika cutely kissed Kris before he and Anzu had left for the night, making both their mom's laugh. I never did ask you son, what do you think of Chikako Matsuo? She's really nice mom, it's quite fun playing pranks on each other seeing as how we don't take them too seriously. Graduation day for North Meadows soon descended upon them and the other students as the faculty mentioned that there would be an after hours school dance in the auditorium tonight for those who were interested. Do.. Do you want to go with me Kris she asks with the most cutest smile, pretty please. Chikako.. Of course he says, accepting her invitation. Yippee!! Hugging him happily. Shush mom she sighs, don't tease us. Wait.. Do you even know how to dance mister she sheepishly laughs that evening. Nope he chuckles, teach me please. I.. Umm.. Okay she smiles and blushes, as they danced together to a few songs throughout the night. Again like years past though they were a bit older, they attended the 3 day summer festival, walking throughout the venue with friends of theirs from both classrooms at North Meadows seeing all the different food/drink vendors and games for people to try out. Ooh! Kris! Kris! Chika giggles, can you win me that, pointing to a big stuffed teddy bear. Hmm, I can certainly try, giving the booth attendant a few dollars (4 rings for $5), asking him which one he had to aim for to get the big prize. Make 4 of 4 consecutive tosses onto the same bottle young man. Go Kris, you can do it she whispers who concentrated on making them all land. Congratulations young man the booth attendant says, handing him the giant stuffed bear. Kris!!Yay! Yay! Hugging both him and the giant bear. Eh? Chika? How did you win that one, one of her friends said, having just arrived. She blushes, a good friend of mine won it for me she giggles gleefully as they enjoyed the rest of the afternoon, returning home just before sun down to change into formal clothing as the nightly entertainment and fireworks were advertised. Ready to go Chikako, I bet you're going to blow Kris away with your formal outfit Mai teases her daughter. Mom! Stop that she blushes. Sure enough it happened upon meeting up near the entrance. Chika! Wow! Kissing the back of her hand gently as they and their mom's found a table to sit at together.  Prior to 1st year of high school starting at Misaragi Provincial Collegiate, several students that Chikako and Kris had gone to North Meadows with picked up their class schedules, noticing that they were in different classrooms 1~2 and 1~5 but made the promise to dedicate themselves to their studies. Deal Chika says, while standing in the marked lines for each classroom to meet their professor and get additional information submitted.  1st year classes kicked off soon thereafter as new friendships were developed, one in particular between Chikako and Nanami who seemed to grow close throughout their first year in the same classroom, introducing her to Kris one day during class break at the lockers. Good to meet you Ms. Jacquard he says shaking her hand, how have high school classes been going so far? You were right Chikako she laughs, he's a true gentleman, I can see why you like him (hence the blushed look) she laughs. N..Nanami stop that she sheepishly laughs, he's standing right there you know. Don't mind her too much Kris, she's weird like that, see you later after classes as they went their separate ways for the mid-morning and afternoon classes. End of the year came as both students from their respective classes had made the top 10 honors program much to each other's surprise, giving each other a high-five. Grades 10 and 11 were a mere repeat of grade 9,making it once again surprising both their mom's who congratulated them on back to back years. Being given less restrictions since they were older, enjoyed more freedom but still obeyed and respectfully followed Mai and Anzu's rules soon found themselves gearing up for grade 12, together in the same classroom alongside Nanami and a few other students they both had gotten to know over the years at MPC. A group was soon formed but unfortunately it had its flaws since Nanami who decided to dictate some of the rules since she was the one who started it at the beginning of the year in September. One person however wasn't amused.  One particular Friday afternoon after classes had finished for the day, Chikako had asked Kris what his plans were for the remainder of the day when all of a sudden it began to downpour. Oh crap! Grabbing Chika's hand out of the blue, they ran to his place, getting completely soaked in the process. Hehe, that was fun, especially with you she laughs upon getting inside. Handing Chika a towel, she dried her hair and parts of her clothing attire, book bag. Hi Kris his mom greets him, seeing Chika as well, giving her a hug, hopefully you two didn't get too wet. Yeah we kinda did Ms. Beliveau but it's okay, it was worth it she giggles, running through with the rain with your son. Haha, how cute she sighs, it reminds me of myself and your dad Kris. Would you care to stay for dinner Chika, Anzu asks since it doesn't look like the rain is going to let up any time soon tonight. I would be honored ma'am, thank you so much for the offer. Polite to a fault, you could learn a thing or two Kris, Anzu jokingly teased her son, making Chikako laugh as well. While watching the rain pour down, Chika leaned her head up against Kris' shoulder, sighing happily. Dinner is.. Anzu said but saw Chika sound asleep up against her son, letting out an inaudible laugh, sigh at the adorable scene, not wanting to disturb them. Thanks mom he mouths silently, covering up Chikako with a blanket next to him. Chikako's phone began to vibe as it was her mom calling to see whereabouts she was, with Kris answering it. Hello Ms. Matsuo, yeah she is actually, fast asleep up against my shoulder. Oh? Well I don't want to disturb her then Kris, thank you for letting me know. An hour later, Chika awoke and looked around before realizing she had dozed off up against Kris' shoulder. Oopsie she giggled sheepishly, nudging him to get his attention. D..Did my mom call at all she asks, a bit worried because I hadn't come home after school. Yeah she did he says, not having any problems with you being asleep up against my shoulder. Oh hehe, you're so sweet Kris for letting me do that, giving him a small peck on the cheek. I should go since it looks like it had finally stopped raining. You two lovebirds are so adorable together Anzu teases them, walking into the living room with a plate of food and some tea for the two of them. Thank you Ms. Beliveau, taking small sips of the flavoured tea. I already know my mom is going to tease me about this she sighs, making them all laugh. I'm sure your mom has no problem with it dear, given how close you and Kris are. Right she smiles, even though we aren't boyfriend and girlfriend yet, I know I can always count on him to protect me or to look out for me, regardless of the situation. Too right my dear as Chika leaned her head up against his shoulder once more during a movie, dozing off once again. So comfy she murmured, sighing happily. Sorry to wake you Chika but the movie is over. Oh? Yawning, what time is it she asks? Just after 9 pm. Oh shoot, I should really get home then, my mom is probably worried about me by now. I'll be back soon mom, I'm going to take Chikako home. Be safe you two she responds from her bedroom. Welcome home dear, Mai greets the two of them upon walking inside the house, so what's this I hear you fell asleep against his shoulder, she laughs. Mom! Shush! Chika puffs out her cheeks while blushing, I couldn't help it, he makes me feel really secure. Thanks for taking good care of my daughter, Kris, I really appreciate it Mai tells him. Always a pleasure Ms. Matsuo, wishing them both a goodnight as he headed off back to his place. Every time thereafter, whether at her place or his if it happened to be raining outside, she would find herself leaning up against him, her breathing being as calm as the night air itself. It was the little things over time throughout their final year of high school together that really made Chika fall in love with him, though she didn't want to talk to anyone at Misaragi Provincial Collegiate about it incase they started any rumors or gossip. Much like their time spent at North Meadows with everyone eventually figuring out that they had a close bond together, did it happen around the halls and classrooms of Misaragi Provincial Collegiate. Neither Chika nor Kris commented too much on the rumors as their studies were top priority and would politely ask students who asked them for information to stop as it was none of their business to begin with. Misaragi Provincial Collegiate faculty had heard of the rumors themselves, upon passing a group of female students one day gossiping about it in the hallway, reminding them that they were here to learn, that if they wanted to gossip about other students, that the shopping mall was 10 to 15 minutes down the road. Please be more respectful towards those two student's names you have mentioned they say as you wouldn't want to be gossiped or talked about by others behind your back around here.

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