Shawn Mendes

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•Shawn's POV•
"Y/N, open the door" I gently knock for the hundredth time. All I can hear is her muffled sobs and I can feel my heart ache for the beautiful girl on the other side of the closed door. "Shawn I'm fine, just leave me alone" She whispers. "Baby,i can help you. I'll do whatever it takes to fix you." I whisper letting a tear slide down my cheek. "I'm fine. I'll be okay, I can let these things get in the way" her voice is low and I close my eyes. "But I can't take this anymore" I hear her mumble and a rattling sound makes my eyes widen. "Y/N! Don't you dare!" I quickly stand shaking the doorknob harshly. "Please open this door, please I'm begging you don't hurt yourself!" My vision blurs as I pound on the door with my hand. "Put the bottle down" the tears threaten to spill my eyes. "I can't I wish I could" her voice is shaky as I stand back. Fisting my hands in a ball tightly. "I'm coming in" I say through clenched teeth and my foot crashing against the door, kicking it open. There she was, sitting in the tub with various bottles surrounding her side. And my tears finally fall. They run down my cheeks as I rush to her side, getting on my knees next to her, grabbing all of the bottles. "You can't do this. This isn't how you're gonna end your problems" I grab her face in my hands looking into her swollen pink eyes. "sometimes it all gets a little to much, I know it does. but you don't have to be afraid." I shake my head. "No matter what happens, I'm gonna be here to help you. I'm gonna be here every step of the way, to keep you strong, to keep you alive." I look around the small room, bottles scattered on the floor and little blue capsules fill her hand. "I can't do this without you. I selfishly need you and I don't care. You're not leaving me like this" I open her hands watching the fist full of toxins fall. "Ill be here with you until the fog clears" I press my lips to hers. The salty taste of her tears on my lips. "I love you" she breathes wrapping her arms around my neck pulling me closer to her.

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