The Nightmare Watchers

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I have always been a huge Rainimator fan. I have always been for a long time. I've been subscribed since day one. I've liked all his videos. And know everything about his story and his characters. In fact I know it so well that if you were to quiz me on it. I would definitely get all of the questions correctly with out any struggle. But I was not just the only one. I was also part of a small group of friends who like me were also big Rainimator fans. They weren't as big as I was but they still liked him a lot so it counts in my book. I liked most of the characters in the story but one or should I say three characters that caught my eye were the Ender Watchers. Zeganirn, Vordus, and my favorite, Ceris. She was the woman of my dreams. Every time they appeared on screen even if it was for a split second I felt joy. I would have dreams of meeting them IRL. Some of my friends would even make fun of me for it. Call me a Ceris simp. I embarrassed it. It didn't really care what they called me when it comes to The Ender Watchers or Ceris as most of it was true. In fact I am surprised I'm still huge fans of them after what happened that one day. Let me explain. My parents who I lived with were going on a big business trip and my brother and sister were going to see there friends. They were to be gone for around a week and a half. This was back at the summer of 2021. I was around 17 years old almost an adult. My parents liked to get me to experience things I would have to experience as an adult like doing chores and shopping. I probably was positively going to be living alone when I moved out sometime that was proven false thanks to what happened that day. So my parents decided to leave me home alone for that time period. They told me everything they could. They told me to lock the doors and to make sure I do my chores around. Even my siblings chores. Those where often the only boring part of this experience. As soon as they left I was excited. I had never been home alone this long before. I was excited. I can now read Rainimator fanfics and watch his videos in peace for a week and a half. Although the excitement didn't last as I still have to do a lot of chores but that's how life is. One day around half way through the first week I was on a discord call with my friends. We chatted about things like how the summer has been and our plans in the future. Then we chatted about Rainimator for a bit before I decided to check his twitter. I saw he tweeted about a competition he was hosting. It was a trivia quiz about his story and the winner could have a private message sent to them by any character of their choosing. I was in shocked.I shared the screen to my friends who were also in shock. They told me I should participate. I asked them if they wanted to but they mainly just wanted to see me do it. I'm glad they didn't participate because they would have possibly suffered the same fate I almost had. I clicked the link on the tweet and it pulled up a website. It lead me to a screen that was showing places from Rainimator's videos. From the frostborn castle to most of the non cannon locations it showed them all. There was also a button on the screen that said sing up. I clicked it and it had me put in a name. I put down my name down. I rather keep it private on here. I then press sign up and the quiz began. The way the quizzed work is that they will have a face of a character and the place of origin. The question will then soon appear on top and two answers will appear and you had to guess which one was correct. It was very easy to me. I didn't have any problems what so ever. But as I began my friends and I notes the characters on the screen appeared to have a worried look on their face. Like they saw a ghost or something like that. Finally I got to the Ender Watchers. The first one was Ceris. I smiled. But then the question was blocked. It was like some redacted message or something. The answers popped up. They read: Brain or Heart. My friends and I were confused. What kind of answers would appear on this kind of quiz. Strangest of all is what kind of question is it. After a while of thinking a friend suggested I pick brain so I did. As soon as I clicked on it Ceris's mask disappeared revealing a massive grin on her face. A grin that seemed unnatural to her. Just then for a split second I saw her face change before it terned black for a few seconds. I remember what it looked like. Her mouth was opened revealing massive sharp teeth. Her eyes were covered with a black liquid that looked like blood. The next question appeared which was also blocked. This time it showed Vordus's face with the answers: You and Your Friend. We were all confused. What on earth was going on. We debated and we decided it would be me. Thank god we chose me. The question reviled itself stating: who would be our next victim. The picture of Vordus then shows his eyes closed. And like Ceris for a split second I saw his face changed before it terned to black. This time nothing major happened except that his eyes were bright red instead of purple. The final question appeared which you guessed it. Was blocked. This time it was Zeganirn's face with the answers: now or tonight. My friends try to get me to exit out but for some reason I can't. No matter how hard I try I couldn't get out. I gave up and decided to answer tonight despite my friends telling me not to. I clicked tonight and the question was: when should we strick. Then I heard a small laugh come from the computer screen as Zeganirn's face then started to slowly turn into something else. His eyes were yellow and his skin was gray. A blood like stain appeared like he had been injured. Suddenly my game crashed and my computer turned off. When I turned it back on I checked to see if anything changed. Nothing out of the ordinary until I checked my files and saw a photo. It was of the Ender Watchers but they look different. Zeganirn had his white skin replaced by gray with yellow eyes and a blood stain on his head. Parts of his body were missing. Just fading. Like if he were a ghost of some kind. Vordus looked normal if normal is appropriate to say. He just had red eyes and was bloodied like he caused a massicare. Ceris. Ceris was the scariest of them all. She had the same look on her face like she did at the website. Her hoodie looked battle damaged like in ender wish but her lower half was missing. Instead replaced by a set of bone Sistum. It looked like a massive ribb cage but more horrifying. I was able to reconnect to the discord server I was in. I explained to my friends what happened and then shared my screen showing them the horrifying image that I got. I then noticed that at the top of the screen there was a message that read: See you tonight!! I was horrified. My friends were confused. We then talked about for several minutes until I decided to leave the call because it was getting late. The sun was setting. I said goodbye to my friends and I will see them in the future sometime. It was around the night time. Somewhere between 10-4. I was trying to get some shut eye although after the image I was hardly able to. All of a sudden I heard a noise coming from down stairs. It sounded like glass tapping and something falling off a table or something. I got out of bed. Put on a robe because I was embarrassed about my pajamas graded a flashlight and went down to investigate. When I got done. I saw nothing. No signs of anything happening. Nothing feel down. No one was at the window or glass door. Nothing. As I stand there wondering what could have caused the noise. I heard another one. It sounded like a grawel of some kind. I froze to the core. Just then I heard footsteps from upstairs. They sounded like they were getting closer to my location. I quickly ran and hide underneath a small table. As the footsteps got louder and louder and louder. I saw it. It was Ceris. She was in a nightmare from like the one I saw in the picture. Her skeletal bottom half was moving in an unattrale manner. It moved slowly. The tips of bone from the rib cage acting like they were feet. Because they were like her feet. She slowly moved down the stairs and into the room I was in. She looked around for a bit before sniffing the air and making a sound. It sounded like beautiful singing like what sirens will use to lore in sailors. It lasted for a few minutes before two other figures appeared. It was Vordus and Zeganirn. They were in their nightmare froms. Vordus with the red eyes and bloody body. He was holding his staff except the ender eye was red. Zeganirn with his gray body, yellow eyes, blood stained head and fading arms and legs. I was still hiding under the table while they looked like they were talking about something. I don't know what they were saying. They were so quiet. All of a sudden they faced the table I was hiding under. Ceris pointed at me. " you think you can hide from us?" She said as she and the others start slowly walking towards me. "We just want to have fun" Vordus said. They still contained their ecowy voices but they were more demonic. I thought I was done for until I had an idea. I doubt it was a good one but it worked anyways. My flashlight contained a small switch which allowed it to adjust the brightness. I terned it to the highest setting. Pointed to what I now call the Nightmare Watchers, and then terned it on. They backed up and shreeked in pain covering their eyes. I quickly got out of my hiding spot and ran towards the closes door I could reach. I quickly unlocked it and ran out running into the woods that was close to my house. I didn't have any shoes on so my feet were getting pretty injured. I didn't care about that. As long as I lived I don't mind how injured I was. I ran. I heard shrieks and yells from behind me possibly from the Nightmare Watchers. I got to the side of a road and a red pickup truck was coming stoping as soon as it reached me. It was one of my friends who lives the closest to me. I got on and before they could say anything I told him to drive back to his house. He continued to drive tell we got to a point where we could turn around. So we did. My friend drove back to his house. When we got there I was the first one in. As soon as my friend got in and looked the door I told him to barricade the doors and windows. When he asked me why I told him I will explain later. We got a pretty good portion of the house barricaded when I told my friend what happened and what I saw. Surprisingly he believed me. He told me that he heard a loud shreek so he went to investigate and that's when he found me. For the rest of that week I stayed at his house before near the end I decided to go back. He drove me back and when I home I saw a note on my front door. It said: You have escaped us for now but sometime we will see each other again. To this day they have not returned to me and I hope they don't. After that day I haven't participated in any form of competition hosted by rain. And probably never will. And I occurrence you to do the same. When my parents and siblings got home I didn't tell them what happened because. Well...let's face it. They won't believe me and just think I'm crazy. A few days later I checked Rainimator's twitter when I saw he posted a tweet that haunts me to this day and probably will still continue haunting me tell the day I die. I have nightmares about this tweet. It said: I have recently been hacked by someone who has been sending fake event signups to some of my followers. Please don't click on it if you see it. You could get hacked or worse.

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