Meow <3333333333333333333

37 4 9

//who found The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly reference in here?//

Alex comes back to the deserted corridor after cleaning himself up, only to find Dalia and the dead body. He tilts his head.

"Well then. Let me guess," he says, annoyed. "You let Apollo escape."

Dalia nods. "Mhm, because he's not yours. He's not a product. He's a human being, just like you and-" she stops. Alex wasn't entirely human. "He has feelings just like you and me. He didn't deserve to see that, whether you did it for him or not."

"How much did you see?" Alex asks.

"Enough to send you to Azkaban, probably," Dalia tells him casually. "You can't keep killing people. I know you love him, but this... really?"

"That girl was gonna manipulate Apollo and use him," Alex says. "What was I meant to do?"

"Um, tell somebody her plan, you blödmann!" Dalia exclaims. "Merlin, are you this stupid?" She shakes her head. "You're really despicable, Alexander." 

"Am I?" He walks to her, grabbing her hair. "I'm such a loathsome arschloch, then?"

"Alexander, let go." Dalia tries to pry his hand off, but his grip is far too strong for her, and the more she tries, the tighter it gets. Instead, she reaches in her jacket and takes out a small tranquilizer gun. At the sight of it, Alex lets go of his twin sister, pulling back.

"So then, what do you have to say?" Dalia asks.

"One thing," Alex replies, prepared for any sudden move. Dalia tilts her head, then suddenly, Alex lunges at her and disarms the gun. Dalia gasps and stumbles back. Alex immediately pulls the trigger and the hypodermic needle pierces his sister's arm. No, Dalia thinks. How could I be such an idiot?! 

Dalia could feel herself growing weaker and weaker. Her eyelids start fluttering. The sedatives are working already. She tries to fight the drug, but she can't. The last thing she can remember before they pull her under is Alex holding her and saying,

"When you have to shoot, shoot. Don't talk." 

Alex looks at Dalia, then the dead Ravenclaw girl. He puts the gun in his jacket, picks Dalia up and laughs to himself. He takes her to the Hospital Wing, pretending to "simply stumble across his unconscious sister". As he walks back to the corridor, he can see that the body is gone. Someone got rid of it.

That someone grabs him from behind and throws him to the wall.

"Wowsies, you're heavy," Scarlet says blankly. She glares at him, and just by that, Alex can tell she knows. Either from Apollo or she was eavesdropping. "Must be all those workouts."

Alex scoffs. "Or maybe you're just a bit too weak. You know, let's just get to the point. What I do is none of your business, Scarlet."

Scarlet clears her throat. "When it involves your little boyfriend, one of my best friends, actually, it is my business!" She takes out a knife and makes a cut in Alex's shoulder. Alex falls down, but then gets up, taking out his own knife, and making a deeper cut on Scarlet's lips. She winces at the taste of her own blood, giving time for Alex to grab her and pin her to the wall.

"I know how much you hate when people stare at you," Alex says dangerously. "If it gets so bad, you pass out. That's what I'm gonna do, right now. Take your time, I'm in no hurry."

His eyes bore into hers. She can still taste her blood, making it a lot worse, she tries to turn away, but Alex turns her head back, forcing her to look at him. She breathes heavily and before either of them know it, her head drops.

"You know what, I think I'm gonna leave you here," says Alex. He smirks and turns to walk away, but he stops and watches her from a distance.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2023 ⏰

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