Chapter 3: The Captain's Own Words

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Contikad: "Oh My God, What Happened To You?!"
Thane: "Anti-Matter Weapon...Plant-Based Lifeform Invaded Ship...Crew Dead"
Beatrice: "Who Did This To You?"
Thane: "I Don't Know...Please Find The Ones Who Attacked Us"
Captain Thane Allesandro Then Dies From His Injury
Jetlik: "In Here"
The Security Team Enters The Shuttle Bay
Jetlik: "Search Those Cargo Containers"
Peyton: "Nothing Over Here"
Corwin: "I Think My Tricorder Is Broken"
Jetlik: "No It's Not Mine Isn't Working Either"
A Loud Shrieking Noise Is Heard And An Insect Like Creature Attacks Corwin
Peyton Shoots The Creature Which Retaliates And Attacks Peyton, Jetlik Stuns It The Creature Falls To The Ground Jetlik Taps His Combadge
Jetlik: "Arano To Enterprise Two To Beam Directly To Sickbay!"
Corwin And Peyton Are Beamed To Sickbay Jetlik Continues Looking Around The Shuttlebay And A Few More Creatures Emerge From Behind The Cargo Containers And They Start Converging On Jetlik He Turns Back And Runs Out Of The Shuttlebay
And Back Into The Corridor And Starts Running Back To The Bridge
Captain Vaughn Was Laying Down In His Quarters Alone Waiting For Any Report From The Bridge Raphael Vaughn Was A Very Impatient Person In His Past Especially As A Child When He Was 7 He Was Impatient To Go To The Fair Tomorrow He Eventually Went To Sleep Though And He Arrived At The Fair With His Parents He Wasn't Tired All Day Because He Actually Learned To Be Patient Sometimes He Was Impatient To The Point Where He Would Start To Pace His Room Waiting Sometimes He Would Rest Or Just Sleep He Was Just Waiting For Someone's Voice To Tell Him They Got Something The Enterprise Wasn't Going To Be Moving Anytime Soon So Vaughn Just Had To Wait For Their Mission To Be Completed

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2023 ⏰

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