||Chapter 3: Neverland||

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Peter then nodded at the blonde and I was suddenly grabbed and thrown over someone's shoulder. "Welcome to Neverland sweetheart." I heard Pan say.
What have I gotten myself into?
Effie Noelle Lockwood

I woke up to bamboo bars in front of my face. I rubbed my eyes and looked around me, I was in a cage. How did I get in here? My brief moment of confusion was revived by the memories of yesterday. I looked through the bars and I was high up in the trees. Down below me was a dirt path and a figure was walking towards me. Once they got closer I recognized the blonde boy with the scar across his face.

"Sleep well? I'm here to take you to Pan." He sounded quite rude, then again what did I expect? He pulled a rope which brought the cage down slowly. The door opened and I was dragged out, glad to be out of the confined space. He led me down the trail to a vast open space with a large fire burning in the middle.

I looked around to see that I was surrounded by boys of all ages. Suddenly a voice yelled "Boys, this is Effie, let's give her a Neverland welcome." From the corner of my eye I saw Pan smiling. The boys started yelling and dancing around the fire. Peter walked over to me, "We're having a celebration for your arrival, I'll have one of the Lost Boys show you around later."

He walked to a tree and pulled out a wooden flute, playing the most alluring melody. I sat against a tree, staring at the fire, while listening to the arcane music. I thought about home but then distracted myself, they don't miss me.

I decided I needed some space from the party atmosphere, it makes me uncomfortable. I walked to a clearing in the trees and there was a view of the calming ocean. I heard a twig snap and behind me was Pan.
"So, you can hear the flute?"
"Yeah, doesn't everyone?" My confusion was apparent, Peter laughed as he said "no, no not everyone can hear it, only the lost children can."
"Really? You think I'm lost?"
"I think you are, darling." He said smirking. "You were sad in the mainland, you felt alone, didn't you?"
He's enjoying this.
"I guess so" I sighed. I don't like bringing up my past. I've left those memories behind me for reasons.

I turned back to the ocean, watching the beautiful blue.
"I can take you down there, if you want." Peter said eager evident in his voice. I nodded with a small smile. He led me towards a trail with tall trees. As we were walking, I was looking around at all the life in the forest.

"Neverland is so beautiful, I want to explore it more." I said, looking at the tree leaves.
"It's beautiful, yes, but it's not entirely safe. There are areas in Neverland that I forbid everyone to go. You won't come back from the dark parts of Neverland." He said with a smirk, enjoying the little scare he gave me. "We're here" he said looking back at me.

I could smell the salt water. I walked to the water, taking my boots off and standing in the water. Peter came over to where I was and pulled me down with him to sit on the sand. We stared at the waves crashing onto shore, in a comfortable silence. He turned his head and looked at me.

"What are you doing?" I looked at Peter. "Nothing" he said as he stared into my eyes. I turned back to the sunset, scared of what could have happened. "I think we should head back." I said getting up. Peter stood up and we started walking. I got a little curious and trailed away from him. I was climbing a rock when I heard Pan yelling "Effie! Where did you go?" I heard footsteps running towards my direction. "Effie, you scared me, don't wonder off." Peter said sighing in relief.

We walked back to camp. It was night time when we got back and the lost boys were already in their tents. Peter walked into his tent and I walked in after him. "Here's a sleeping bag, until we make you a tent you can sleep in here, with me." I took the sleeping bag, laid down, and fell asleep.

In the middle of the night I woke up from a bad dream. I looked up to see Peter sleeping soundly. I crawled over to his bed and tapped him whispering "Peter can I sleep next to you?" He opened one eye, frowning "what's wrong, love?" he asked with a raspy voice. "I had a nightmare and I can't fall back asleep." I said sheepishly. "Alright come on" he said while holding up the blanket. I got into the bed and laid down, closing my eyes. I felt arms wrap around me and my eyes felt heavy. Before I knew it, I was asleep.
Hey! I have good ideas now so I'll update soon. I had 2 idea for stories for a long time and I'm finally writing them so, check them out once I publish the first chapters! Vote for this story if you liked it and comment some feedback.

Have a nice day

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