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                                                                                   5 months ago

                                                                                     Percy POV

It had been 5 months after the Giant War and everybody was happy. I was with Annabeth and was planning to propose to her. Suddenly, I was shaken from my daydream by a girlish scream from the borders of camp. As I ran towards there, I saw a boy with electric-blue eyes run from a group of  hellhounds. I vaulted over him and started to hack away with riptide. After I killed them, the boy took the sword from me. As the camp approached, he proclaimed that he himself had killed those hellhound and his name was Timmy . The shocking part was that everybody believed him and started cursing me. Then a lightning bolt came over his head. Little did I know, this was the start of me getting betrayed.                                                                                                                      

                                                                           TWO MONTHS LATER

As I walked through the camp after getting Athena's approval for proposing to Annabeth, I saw that the whole camp had gathered in one place. Curious,  I reached that place only to find Annabeth kissing Timmy. After that I heard all my friends cheering Timmy and accusing me for things I did not do. When I stood up against them, they kicked me out of the camp. Then I was flashed to Olympus and  all the gods except Hades and Hestia accused me for betraying Olympus. They gave me a 1 day bonus before sending the Hunters of Artemis after me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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