~cooking~ ***gay smut ⚠ ***

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YIU GUYS THIS STORY IS VRY LONG. UT WAS 2884 WORDS. but hope you enjoy love yall3>


Both of them were sent to the kitchen due to them having quite a big fight earlier.

"Now, here's the recipe. You don't even have to talk to eachother, just work together. Fine?" Ethans mom said. "And you're not toddlers anymore, your both
23 so stop acting like you're 7. So, when we're back, this needs to be done. We'll be bak later tonight.

They nodded ther heads an annoyance. A big book was put in front of them. Their moms went out. Closing and locking the door after them.

Although they were bestfriends since middle school, they both shared a secret that wasn't known between either of them.

As the began preparing ingredients for the cookies, they both went jn the too cupboards to grab a bowl, bumping into eachother. They shared a quick glance between eachother, not daring to mention the tension that was slowly but surely building between the.

Once everything was set on the table, they just stood there, waiting on once another to do something. Isaiah suddenly grabbed the book and brought it closer to them.

"It separates in two parts. One of us can make the dough and the other can make the fillings." Ethan started smilling de to the fact that he took literally anything Isaiah said in a dirty sense. Isaiah saw that and sighed trying not to smile.

"I'll make the dough, you make the filling" Isaiah looked up at Ethan as he was much taller.

"Yes chef." He said, grabbing the bowl and pouring in the flour along with all the other ingredients. And on they went, both of them I'm their own worlds, doing separate things, but both of them sharing one secret.

Ethan started kneading the dough, putting a little flour on the table and placing the dough on it. As Isaiah took a glance at it, his face went red from the sight of Ethan's hands kneading the dough. It was as if the woke world went silent, slowing down.

He had never felt this sort of thing when he was with Ethan. It was probably this atmosphere and tension that was making things harder for him. And he was probably staring at his hand for too long that Ethan noticed.

"You need a mixer...?" He asked seeing the bowl was just sitting with empty with the egg wires and sugar. Isaiah was immediately thrown out his trance, looking at Ethan, who immediately became worried. "Oh, do you need me to bring the heating down a little?? You're red..." Isaiah's eyes immediately widen, quickly shaking his head.

"No, no, I'm just... Nothing forgot it. Yeah, I need the mixer." Ethan nodded, bending down down into the cupboards and pulling out an mixer. He handed it to Isaiah l, getting bavk to kneading the dough.

Isaiah tried his best to keep his gaze off Ethan, not even darling to breathe properly in order to keep his mind off him. He couldn't even figure out why he was feeling like that. This was such a rare occurrence where they were alone together nd no one was there to interrupt.

"Okay, I'm done." Ethan said, putting the dough in the bowl agian then looking at Isaiah. He turned off the mixer and handed one of the little mixer part to Ethan.

"Taste it." Ethan took it, tasting it. His eyes lit up, looking bavk at Isaiah.

"Oh this is good..." Isaiah smiled, taking one look for himself tasting it, nodding his head.

"Okay, let me get the molds and we'll stamp them, huh??" Isaiah nodded. Ethan went to the other side of the kitchen and pulled out a few molds out of a drawer, setting them down onto the table. There was a heart, star, moon mold.

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