I am so very in love with you.

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Era: s5/After Terminus
Pronouns for reader: she/her
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Y/n Greene


The Governor destroyed the entire prison. That was something Rick's group was worried about. Why would they expect something like that though? Rick and his group destroyed Woodbury and killed so many of his people. Then the Governor mysteriously disappeared, not being able to find him, Michonne would look for him with Daryl occasionally taking part of the search.

In the end, Daryl gave up while Michonne didn't. And now? The prison has been destroyed and Rick's group split apart, no one knows for sure if the others are alive.

Y/n found herself alone with no one, nothing. She no longer had the will to live due to not knowing wether or not the others were alright. who knows if Daryl, the man she had her eyes on was even alive. Y/n blames herself constantly for not being able to profess her feelings for him. It was like love at first sight, falling head over heels for the charismatic yet dirty man that showed up at the farm that day.

Y/n has lost many people she cared deeply about, her two sisters - Maggie and Beth, her father Hershel, her relatives and many more people. She was determined to find out wether or not Daryl and the others were alive.

She wanders along the road with no location particular in mind, occasionally chuckling to herself in a sad manner when recalling all the fun memories she once experienced. from when her, Beth and Maggie went to hair salons and rode on horses together, to when she took care of her younger siblings. Damn the Governor and this whole apocalypse. Though impossible, Y/n hopes every day that everything will return to normal, she hopes that this is just a bad dream and when she wakes up, someone will be there to comfort her. Y/n hopes to meet Daryl again and be able to confess her feelings.

Y/n was brought out of her thoughts by the sounds of walker groans, pulling out the knife from her belt, She kills the walker to prevent more from showing up. Unfortunately that wasn't the case, more walkers started to show up and before she could react, a walker managed to tackle her to the ground. Fortunately she had a loaded gun on her, Y/n quickly took out the walker before killing the others.

Groaning, Y/n shoves the walker off herself before standing up and dusting her clothes. If they weren't blood stained before, now they certainly were. Her heart beating fast from all the adrenaline, the only thing on her mind was yet again Daryl. She wonders, why didn't she confess or wasn't able to? Was she afraid of rejection? Was she afraid of becoming attached just to lose someone she cared about again? The reasons were endless.

The nervous woman continues to walk along the tracks, noticing some sort of sign a short distance away from her. she quickly sprints to the sign, ''SANCTUARY FOR ALL COMMUNITY FOR ALL THOSE WHO ARRIVE SURVIVE'' it reads. Y/n glances at the map below the words, ''TERMINUS'' is marked on the beige map. Y/n doesn't know if she should trust it but something in her tells her that if Daryl and/or the others survived and saw this, they would go there and so Y/n has decided to make her way to Terminus.
The (h/c) haired girl walks silently through the forest, wanting to stay near possible food and water sources, she sees on the tracks that there is another map to Terminus. Y/n knew she was on the right track. After walking for hours, she knew it would be getting dark soon. She slowly came out of the forest and suddenly saw a smaller wooden hut. Smiling to herself, Y/n made her way to the front door of the house.

But suddenly, hearing someone yelling there and a baby crying. As she got closer, she could hear at least bits of something they were shouting at each other.

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