After hearing them every one becomes sad but didn't showed it.

But our intelligent girls understood it and said.

Amma it's not like we are going to die, says naina.

Never say like that or I will lock u both in a room, says Abhimanyu.

Naina gulps down.

Sannie interrupts them and says, are you all going to say us good bye like this with a ugly face huh.
And it's not we are not going to come and ran away and our brothers tho don't ask they will make world upside down to find us and make our lovers cutlet.

Tulshi says, ok ok enough for today Abhimanyu, ram, and naru go and help them in pack up.

And all goes towards the girl's room.

And started helping them in there packing and after 15 mins there packing finished.

And there brother's acting like possessive brothers take in there keep and ram was driving and who ever was looking at there sister on road are getting drager straes from there other two brother.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2023 ⏰

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