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"Today we will be fully assessing your talents." Lesso's voice echoes through the tower. "Next year you will receive specialised classes that will fully help push your limits and amplify these unique qualities." She fully explains, looking pointedly at each of us. I stare into her stormy ocean eyes - envisioning the waves moving inside them, lightning striking in the background as her eyes meet mine. She moves on quickly, avoiding being caught in each others hex. 

"Can I go first?" Hester chuckles, grin malignancy displayed on her face. Lesso accepts the request - allowing my messy haired friend to be the centre of attention.

The dragon tattoo we've seen before starts to transform, flesh and bones taking its place. A dragon forms on her shoulder before flying upwards and setting alight. It dives and swoops at people's hair taking their belongings from several places as it goes. I smile at the unsuspecting ink that usually adorns Hester's collar.

"Thank you Hester." Leonora continues as Hester takes her seat: dragon still slipping back into her skin. "Now how about Miss DeVil?"  I was praying this time wouldn't come and my lover wouldn't pick me like I asked. But then again I remember she is evil and does what she wants.

"It would be my pleasure. May I have a volunteer?" I question, although the nerves eat away at my stomach. Hort's hand shoots up and I ask him to join me at the front. He stands parallel to me as I close my eyes, inviting my bloodlines magic.

Familiar purple clouds my mind, it's fog rolling from my fingers. I open my eyes - aware that they glow a faint purple to match my finger. I watch as the people's clothing forms in purple blocks in my mind, materials clearly woven together. I could choose anyone's outfit to tamper with, however Hort was willing enough to be my subject.

The black fabric of his unbuttoned shirt begins to unravel, pooling like snakes on the floor. Each fabric piece lands with a thud as the class gasps. The limp textiles start to hiss and periscope. They slither up his leg, squeezing on different joints. The linen around his neck transforms next, taking the form of the same animal, a python. It coils around his neck loosely - layers of scales draped around Hort's neck like a choker. It's face levels with Hort's.

"Well hello little one."  He smiles, attempting to caress the slim figure. It hisses and bites his cheek, constricting tightly around his neck. He starts to gasp and claw at his collar, desperately pulling the fabric from himself. I decide a little more fun won't hurt. The other snakes tighten around his joints as he falls to the floor.

I connect with each material in the room. Students headpieces mold into crows, tops into jellyfish. People scream in fear as their clothing turn into animals. I laugh, waiting a few more seconds before calling off my magic. Clothes return to normal and Hort (who lays on the dirty floor in relief) gathers his breath whilst I take a seat, pulling down my skirt that had a mind of its own during my show. Snakes can be difficult creatures.

Lesso composes herself, shakily brushing off her blazer which turned into a swarm of wasps. I allowed none to sting her though, or any other animal to jeopardize anyone's health. Except Hort of course, but he foolishly volunteered himself. Lesso coughs nervously, regaining the attention of her inferiors."Thank you Y/N, for your display of phenomenal talents."  She manages. The class sends me a few glares and I wink at Dot whose shawl turned into a dead rotting fox. I'll make it up to my traumatized friends later and probably my sweetheart too. But their faces were definitely worth it.

She rotates through the class - each person's talent is different and contrasts the last. However our mentor looks bored after the first two, which are admittedly the most developed in the class. Dot does luckily have potential as soon as she poisons the chocolate in her hands at all times. The class is finally dismissed for lunch (which Leonora won't be eating as she has to grade us by tomorrow.) She waits until everyone exits her class before picking up the first sheet on her stack of papers. I pull up a chair and grab the envelopes and a quill. Dipping it in Lesso's signature red ink we settle into a routine."Name?"

"Anadil." She sighs, evidently unhappy about me skipping meals. She hands me the paper and I fold it neatly, sliding it into the cream envelope. It's sealed with black wax - the seal two swans representing the schools. We continue this pattern for each student: she grades, I write and seal. Time passes and it's evident I'm skipping the evening classes to help someone else which is not a trait a Never should have. But then again, neither is accepting help, so I guess both me and Leonora are slightly dysfunctional. Like a bubble machine that still makes bubbles; just less than usual or average. I guess that could be used as an anecdote for our behaviour.  

The pile on her side decreases as mine grows. By sundown we're done. She pulls out a stack of books and  multiple bottles of ink accompanied by quills. I raise an eyebrow. "It's not mandatory, but we want to give our students equal opportunities to their rivals." She explains. 

"So you supply them with school supplies. Cute." 

"We recognise some people can not afford the materials that richer villains like you can. So I keep a set of books for my class, or at least the class I deem most worthy." 

"It's a good idea and I appreciate the sentiment." I reassure in our slightly Ever-ish moment. She smiles and we begin completing these bundles. The books and inks are personalised so as Lesso binds I take them and place the package with their reports on top, adding an extra chair to each desk for my classmates visiting family member. We finish late at night - candles almost extinguished, wax dripping from wooden shelving. We take the final lit one through the corridors: light creating illusions as its warmth dances off the walls. 

I walk into our room behind Lesso and she collapses onto the dark bed. I remove her heels, coat and tie. When I return to her in my baggy t-shirt and bun I realise she had turned onto her back to watch me. I smile softly before climbing onto her lap. The soft glow of her moon lamp illuminates the side of her pulchritudinous face - wide blue eyes looking into mine. I lean in for a kiss, soft lips pressed against mine. Her palm pushes at the back of my neck, the other finding my waist. I moan at the electric feeling running through my veins - receiving a similar sound of pleasure from my lover. 

I continue to kiss her as I terminate the illumination of the moon; plunging us into darkness. I feel her smirk against my lips as she flips us over. I grab at her back and pull her closer - noting her silk pajamas against my bare legs. She lets out a content sigh before pulling away and melting into my body. She moulds herself to my side, arms wrapped around me like cooling metal. 

I drift off to her rhythmic breathing and desire in the pit of my stomach. Tomorrow is going to be very difficult to survive with my mother around. 

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