
54 5 1

h/c - Hair Color
h/l - Hair Length
e/c - Eye Color

Five's pov

I thought that after a month of looking for another person with no success I truly was the only one left. But here I am standing over another person with a rifle pointed at the back of their head.

"Who the hell are you?" I demand.

"My name is Y/N" She answered

I slowly put my rifle down and made my way around her to face her from the front. She didn't look like a threat and to be fair she did just save my ass. Wait, how did she stop a building from coming down on top of me?

"How did you do that?" I asked.

"Do what?" She asked me back.

"Stop an entire building from collapsing." I clarified.

"I have powers." She answered.

"You were born October 1, 1989?" I asked.

"Yes." She answered.

I thought about this information for a little bit before deciding that it might be safer to ask more questions back at camp. I offered my hand to her for her to stand up she thought about it for a little bit before she took my hand used it to help herself stand up. When she stood up and look up at me I froze looking into her eyes and examining her facial features. She had beautiful h/l and h/c hair that framed her face wonderfully. But it was her eyes that got my attention first. They were a beautiful shade of e/c. They looked like they use to be so full of life but now they seemed sad and lost like there was a long and painful story that was buried beneath. I walked past her and grabbed the handle to my wagon I swing my rifle over my shoulder and prepare for the long walk back. "Follow me and you can stay at my camp." I tell her. She nodded her head and followed me without a word. After walking for a while we finally made it back to camp. I sat down and took out my canteen and took a large sip of water I was very disappointed though when I stopped feeling water come out of the canteen. "Shit." I mumbled to myself. " I can show you where some water is." She said. I was to tired and thirsty to argue so I got up and followed her. She took me to a very familiar pile of rubble right next to camp where I saw a empty hole and the very familiar raspberry bush next to it. I watched as she put her hand on the bottom of the bush and new berries started to grow on the bush. Next she placed her hand on the edge of the small hole and it started to slowly fill up with water. I watched in disbelief at to what I was seeing.

"Wait how did you know this was here?" I asked.

"I made this." She answered.

" So you knew I was here?" I asked.

"Yes, I saw that you had no water one day so I made this." She said gesturing towards the bush and water.

"So you knew I was here and you never thought to show yourself how long have you been here?" I asked.

" I have been here for a while. And to be fair I didn't know how you would act if I just showed up. And I think you proved my point today when you pointed your gun at my head after I saved your ass." She said in a little more of a raised voice.

"Ok I guess that's fair." I said seeing what she ment.

I bent down and grabbed the berries off the bush and refilled my canteen. Once I was done we headed back to my camp.

"So you said your name was Y/N right?" I asked.

"Yes, what's your name?" She asked.

"My name is Five. Five Hargreaves." I answered.

"Cool name." She said with a smile.

"I guess it is unusual but thank you. I like your name to its pretty. So can you tell me what happend ?" I asked

Y/N's pov

When Five asked me what happend I paniced because I had no idea what happened here. I had seen many different time periods and many diffrent places but nothing like this. So I lied.

" I don't really know." I said.

"What do you mean you don't really know?" Five said with frustration.

"I was in the basement of my families house when it happend. All I know is that I heard a really loud bang and the ground shook. The next thing I know the house is collapsing I used my powers for some protection and when I finally crawled out from under the rubble everything was gone,destroyed and everyone was gone they were all dead." I said trying to make it as believe able as possible. To be honest I thought it was a pretty good lie but I felt an odd amount of guilt lying to Five.
"What about you? How did you get here to this point?" I asked trying to change the subject.

"I time traveled here and got stuck." Five answered.

"What do you mean stuck?" I asked.

"I ran out of energy and when I tried to go back I couldn't like I said I'm stuck." Five said.

" What made you want to time travel here?" I asked.

"I didn't want to time travel here in particular I just wanted to time travel and I ended up here. I am a part of a group called the Umbrella Academy with my brothers and sisters. My father is the one who created it. He bought me and all my siblings when we were born. He bought us because of our powers and then he trained us to fight and how to use our powers. He turned us into a crime fighting group. My father thought that I wasn't ready to time traveled but I disagreed and so one day I ran out on my family and I time travel. And now here I am." Five said.

"Your dad sounds like an asshole." I said trying to lighten the mood.

"Yeah he was a total asshole and so was the rest of my family but I would do anything to see them again. You know when I first showed up here I saw them. Their bodies they had tried to fight whatever it was that did this and they died. I didn't even say goodbye." Five said.

"I'm sorry." I said. That was all I could say I knew what it was like to lose a family member so I could only imagine how he felt right now.

"I am going to head to bed. Get some rest for tommorow we can talk more in the morning." Five said.

"Ok that sounds good to me." I agreed.

"Um, you can stay with me if you want to. This camp is plenty big for both of us and it would be easier to survive and scavenge with two people. You can think about just thought after saving my ass it would only be fair." Five said.

"Thanks I would like that." I said with a smile. As Five turned over to go to sleep I could have almost sworn that I saw a smile on his face.

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