• 27 • rosas

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kiss me once cuz u know i had a long night
kiss me twice cuz it's gonna be alright
kiss me thrice cuz i've waited my whole life
i like shiny things
but i'd marry u with paper rings



Was breathtaking. Vintage. Rusty.

Made your eyes shine with wonder Jungkook had never seen before.

The time both of you had to leave each other's side was devastating. Missed calls, time switch, work load. Everything sorta messed up your lives but there was one thing which didn't change and that was determination to stick by. Yes, both of you somehow made it through the last year of master. Obtaining a Master's degree, you instantly got a job at an advertising firm based in Spain where you had applied to be with your long distance boyfriend. Jungkook got appointed the CFO of the company soon after he finished his internship there. His father owned the company, mother was the CEO. They took great pride in welcoming their son into the company. No nepotism, he was qualified enough and you can bet on it. He had worked so hard and you've seen how much he studied, spent days and nights focusing on his thesis and projects.

His parents wanted him to live closer to them so they could finally spend more time with him and that forced him to get enrolled into an university in Spain. Well, he could afford the expenses. Not you. You stayed back in Seoul, graduating from another Uni which was in the suburbs. Jungkook left his apartment to you and his parents had warmed up to by then to allow it. The first time he introduced you was a surprise but they loved you. After all, anyone was better than Iseul. It was a FaceTime.

It took two painful years for you to eat the piece of cake you had been craving for ages. You were finally where you belonged, in his arms. Home was him. His smell, his eyes which would become crescents every time he looked at you and his slow kisses with no words.

Your parents were not ecstatic about you leaving the country but they knew you were missing a part of yourself if you were not with him; they let you go. With blessings you'll always cherish.

Old scars had started to fade away and become nothing but a distant memory. In the carefree air of this city, walking on stone pavements and holding your hand tight, he had become a lot less uptight than he had been. There was obviously a sense of holding back but there was no discomfort. No coldness masked his eyes when he walked beside you, pondering in deep thought. Gazing at rows and rows of flowers displayed out by the florist.

The city had you in awe too. You had never known another culture, not known any European to know how things worked here. It was fresh, had you thrilled. Beautiful architecture. None of your family had ever been out of Korea, Europe was out of question. After treating you to a show of zarzuela, you both found yourself in a traditional shop which sold flamenco dresses.

In about fifteen minutes, you were out on the streets with a bunch of flamenco dancers tapping your high heels away and baltering to the bubbly sounds of guitar. Frilly huge dress trailing behind you, hair lost in the moment. Hands clapping. Unending laughs, your cheekbones just won't go down. Jungkook kept looking at you, from far away. How you grinned from ear to ear, happy glow radiating off your bright face, dancing steps in rhythm with the other girls. Young and frisky. A girl put a rose in your hair, supported by your ear, and air-kissed both your cheeks. Probably just glad to see someone so happy.

A clean swig of sherry heated up his veins, the delicious smell of tapas filled the air. Evening ventured towards night and you were still giggling when you came back to him.

"I fucking love it here!" You snatched his glass of sherry and drank it in one go. Uh-oh!

"I'm glad," he said, in his collected voice with the usual fond smile he always gives you. Tonight, it was wider.

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