Part 5

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George groaned as he woke up, squeezing his eyes shut as he tried to ignore the buzzing of his phone on Dream's nightstand. He huffed, shoving his face further into the warm, slightly squishy pillow under him.

Wait... he didn't have a pillow last night. He had just wadded up a blanket under his head.

It probably just warmed up from my body heat. He tried to reason with himself. However, curiosity killed the cat, so he opened his eyes, and saw a black material. He blinked in confusion. They didn't have black blankets. Then he realized his "pillow" was rising and falling steadily.

He sat up, looking at Dream and wondering how the other was sleeping through the incessant buzzing. Then it hit him. Dream. That was not a pillow. That was his roommate's chest.

It's surprisingly squishy and comfortable- NO! BAD GEORGE! He berated himself mentally. When he came out of his thoughts and recognized the buzzing of his phone again, he rolled his eyes, then carefully reached over Dream to grab it. He looked at the notification 'Missed call from Phil(Dad)za.'

Just Phil then. He won't mind if I just call him back later. George shrugged and stood up, stretching as he walked to the kitchen, and tried to ignore how he woke up this morning.


Is he gone? Dream felt a weight move off of his chest, and opened his eyes slightly, not enough to be noticable. Sure enough, George was gone. When he had woken up a few hours ago, he had seen chocolate brown hair splayed on his chest, soft snores coming from the British man.

Don't get him wrong, his roommate had looked cute, but he didn't want to move and make things awkward. So he did the only natural thing. He admired him for a few minutes, and then pretended to go back to sleep until he felt George move to avoid awkwardness.

He waited another five or ten minutes after George left to leave the room, but this time he allowed himself to scroll noiselessly on his phone. He didn't want to be bored after all, but he also didn't want to make George think he had seen him sleeping- which he had, but that wasn't important- and was a creep, which might make things awkward.

After what Dream deemed a suitable amount of time, he got up, pretending to still be half asleep, and headed to the kitchen.

When he reached the kitchen, he saw George eating beans on toast, which he somehow considered a suitable breakfast. He did his usual mumble of a greeting to the other man, pretending as if he had no idea what had occurred a little while ago.

He began to be slightly concerned -and had to pretend to still be too tired to process things- when the other man didn't return his greeting as usual.

Dang it. He knows that I saw him, doesn't he? Dream winced, glad he had his face hidden behind a cabinet.

You could just talk to him so that it isn't awkward! A small part of his brain suggested. The larger part of his brain said that if he spoke to George, the other would definitely call him a creep, and he would lose all of their friendship.

He chose to listen to the larger part of his brain.


Somewhere around noon, a few hours after Sapnap woke up, the trio went to the store for bed sheets to put on George's bed, rather than living room blankets. This time, they decided to bring the car instead of walking, seeing as they also planned on buying George something to accessorize the room with.

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