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While Cassie was in the kitchen to make breakfast, Happy offered to get Callum ready for the day

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While Cassie was in the kitchen to make breakfast, Happy offered to get Callum ready for the day. There was something he wanted to do and for that he needed his son. Maybe it was a bit early, but Happy felt it was about time Cassie would get his last name. What could possibly go wrong? She was the right one for him and in a thousand years he couldn't imagine another woman by his side.

He wanted to grow old with her, watch Callum grow up and raise him together, maybe someday have more children. Even though he didn't mind the name Connor, he wanted her to be addressed as Lowman so that everyone really knew who she belonged to. Although her crow tattoo had his name engraved on it, it was still something else if her official name on paper was Cassandra Lowman instead of Cassandra Connor.

After he had finished feeding Callum, he quickly changed his diaper and dressed him in one of the simple rompers, after which he took the ring box out of his pocket and put the ring on his son's thumb, of course always making sure that Callum didn't put his hand in his mouth. As he picked him up, Callum did the famous newborn scrunch his Old Lady couldn't get enough of.

“Your mom's gonna be sad that she missed that”, he told his son, amusement lingering in his tone. Even though Callum couldn't give him an answer, Happy still spoke to his son always when he had the little one in his arms or changed him.

When he walked into the kitchen, the smell of fresh coffee and bacon hit his nostrils, the smell of freshly baked cake was also in the air and he was sure Cassie made one for Lily, who she was going to pick up from Gemma later since it was Friday and the guys had their meeting with the Rivals.

“There you are!” Smiling, she turned around and got on her tip toes to give Happy a loving kiss before she ran a hand over her son's head before kissing his forehead. “Good morning, little man. Oh, what do you have there?”

Happy watched her eyes grow wide when she spotted the ring on Callum's thumb, her mouth open but not a sound came over her lips. Instead, she looked up at him with sparkling eyes. Gently, as if she could break something, she took the ring in her hand.

“Is that what I think it is?”, she uttered, her heart doing flips in her chest at the thought of him proposing to her.

Happy grunted softly, nodding. With the slightest mischievous smile, he took the ring from her hand and put it onto her ring finger.

“I want you to be my wife, little girl. I know we're only together for a little over a year but I know what I want, I know who I want to be with for the rest of my life. You gave me the best gift that you could give me. I want you to have my name, be mine completely”, he took a deep breath, running a hand over the back of his neck. “Will you marry me, Cassie?”

He looked her intensely in the eyes, the nervousness almost made him sweat. Would she even want to marry him? Was she ready for this? This woman had a talent for giving him all kinds of feelings. Feelings he didn't even know he had.

𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐘 𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐒𝐔𝐍 | sons of anarchy. Where stories live. Discover now