The Other King- A New Mess

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I was woken by a banging on my wooden door, the sound of a deep male voice was on the other side of the door. I got up leaving the comforting warmth of my bed to open my door and go away forever. I walked down the hallway, the thundering pounding on my door became louder with each

step i took. In front of my door was the large man who came with Peter yesterday .

He had a bald head that shined the in the June gloom, his eyes were a dark brown, he also had scars on his face.“Peter has ordered me to come get you, my lady.” His deep voice said as he bowed slightly, showing respect. “Please do not bow for me. I am no one special, we are equals. I will not allow you to do such foolish things, unlike King Peter.” I told him. He got up and nodded his head slightly.

“Let me get dressed and say goodbye.”

“The King has ordered to come get you and not let you say your goodbyes. He said he doesn’t want to see you in your peasant clothes.”.

 “Please, just let me say goodbye to my father.” He looked down at me and gave me a weak smile. He nodded his head letting me go to say my farewells to my father. I walked in to his room to see him sitting up against the prickly hay pillows.

I sat next to him and hugged him tightly. He rubbed a soothing hand on my back, “You do not have to go. I can not bear to see you this way.”

“I can not let him torture you to death. I will be okay. I am going to miss you.” I told him, holding the tears back. I did not want him to see me cry, that will show him how scared, how weak I am. I must

stay strong for him.

“My life is not as important as yours. I am just a weak old man, you are still young and can explore this world. You still have so many happy memories you must make.”

I broke away from his soothing hug and looked down at him, “I will have happy memories. I have already made so many, thanks to you. Goodbye father. I promise to come for you as soon as I can.” His bottom lips was trembling slightly. He looked up at me and gave me a weak smile, a nod, and a farewell wave.

I returned his nod and left the room, I did not look back. I would not be able to see him in such pain. I walked back to the man and kept my head down. He simply walked out of the house and in to a big wooden carriage. I slowly followed him. He helped me up in to the carriage, it was the same as the one I had rode in with Peter. I sat down next to the window and looked out to the small, wooden, broken shack I once called home.

“Everything will be okay.” I heard the man say as we entered the village. He sat across from me and watched my silent tears roll down my cheeks.

“How will everything be okay if I am forced to marry someone I strongly dislike?” I asked wiping my tears away.

“I understand. He is a very cruel man, nothing like his father.”

“Did you also serve King Edward?”

“Yes, I was his assistant. I would do simple jobs for him. When he passed, Peter ordered me to stay and serve him.”

“I am sorry.” He simply shrugged his shoulders at me. “Why does he hate his father?”

He looked at me, “His father used to favor Craig more. I guess that’s why he hates him so much. It is true the king always favored Craig. He would always show him how to rule the village. Most of the time he would leave Peter in his room alone.”

“I would be angry at my father too.” I told him. I actually felt sorry for Peter, to have your own father ignore you and leave you behind, as your other sibling is going out.

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