Part 9: Bella

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A/N: Aarisofine gave me this idea! Thanks, pal, I'd forgotten Bella! And what good timing too, given the most recent video. Enjoy!
Day zero of cosmic captivity.
I should write a journal.
If I ever got back to Arcanan, I could sell it as a book and no one would be any the wiser.
I wasn't sure how exciting the current plotline would be, though. I'd been sitting in the same room for an hour.
It was definitely too early to ask one of the divines for something, so asking for a notebook was out of the question. Plus, the idea of putting something I wanted in their power made me physically sick.
Oh- except for Bek!
The second oldest divine was the only one I fully trusted to not intentionally harm me.
Currently, I was perched on the edge of the couch, as far to one end as I could get without falling off, adamantly ignoring the bright yellow pile of chaos on the other end. Daz kept nudging me with his bare feet, trying to get a rise out of me. Unfortunately, the action reminded me so much of my younger brothers that I felt a lump in my throat.
Finally, I'd had enough. I snapped at him. "Would you stop that?"
Daz just laughed, grunting, "Make me."
I glared. "I can't, and you know that. I would have thought a being that's older than time itself would act more mature than a three year old, but here we are."
Daz found this incredibly amusing. He guffawed, falling back onto the couch. His laughter drew the gaze of Leo, whose cold green stare felt like needles on my skin.
I stiffened and folded my aggressive posture into something more guarded. To cover that, I threw Leo my fiercest glare. I raised an eyebrow loaded with contempt as if to say, "what are you looking at?"
He raised an eyebrow back as if in challenge. I glared and turned away like he wasn't worth my time, hoping the slight would burn him just the tiniest bit. I wasn't going to entertain him. The only reason I bothered responding to Daz was because I couldn't get what Nix had said out of my head. If entertaining him occupied him so that he wasn't killing people, I had to do it. It wasn't even a choice.
That didn't mean I couldn't have fun with it, though.
"Hey, Daz," I snapped. Yes, I snapped, but only to keep it clear that I hated him. "You wanna see something really cool?"
He raised an eyebrow. "Heh. Fvck yeah! What'd you have in mind, sparky?"
"Watch this." I got to my feet, eyes flashing, and walked over to Rex without a plan.
"Hey, Rex," I called.
Now, here's where I admit that sometimes I can be kind of an idiot.
I knew I was going to say something about Bella Mune. I knew that would tick him off. But I hadn't come up with anything specific, so when Rex barely deigned to turn his head from his rant at Bek, what came out of my mouth was the elegant, the silvertongued, the articulated...
"Your wife deserves better than the likes of you."
Rex spun to face me, and a thrill went through me.
"Excuse me?" he demanded.
I planted my fists on my hips. "You heard me, you cud-muncher. Bella Mune was doing good in the world before you felt threatened and interfered. She was saving lives. OF COURSE people liked her. Then, when a few outliers started comparing her to a divine, what did your dumb ass do? YOU MADE HER ONE. Real smart move, hothead!"
Rex scoffed, failing to hide his anger. "I'm not going to rise to your feeble bait, mortal. I did it once. You're not worth my time again."
I smirked. "It's just as well. You couldn't win an argument with a human if you tried. Honestly, I'm surprised you could string words into sentences long enough to get Bella to accept your proposal."
Rex had turned back to Bek, but I could see him breathing heavily, shoulders rising and falling as a grey mist blurred the back of his head. Wait... was that steam coming out of his ears?
I laughed. "Holy crap. Is that steam coming out of your ears?" I started to laugh harder as the sound of Rex grinding his teeth became audible. "You look like a teakettle! Does that happen whenever you get... heated? Does he just start spouting steam?" I asked Daz, who laughed and affirmed it. "Oh my god. Did it happen when you saw Bella? Just- you land on Arcanan, see her, and AWOOGA!" I mime smoke bursting out of my ears.
"Shut up," he grits out.
I'd feel bad if his anger wasn't so comical. Heat waves are beginning to roll off him, which causes a hint of threat to wipe out any traces of guilt. His aggression makes him seem less like a victim of unkindness and more like a bully getting what's coming to him.
"I wouldn't blame you if you did start blowing smoke." I couldn't stop now; I was on a roll. All my pent-up fear and rage now had one single target- my least favorite divine- and a cause- Daz's entertainment and my pleasure. "She was probably the only woman you'd ever seen up close before! God, chasing after somebody so obviously out of your league must have been so pathetic."
I knew I was being mean at this point, so I stopped. I wasn't at the point of no return yet, and I still has the self-control to pull myself back. I winced as I heard the words I'd just said, wondering if the divines heard them the same way I did.
Rex looked ready to snap. A red vein throbbed in his temple, and I could practically hear the cracks spreading through his teeth as he ground them together.
"You are trying my patience, you worm," he snarled. "If you plan to survive past the next few minutes, I would advise you shut up."
Aaaand there went my inhibitions.
I laughed disbelievingly. "You threatened me last time I went off on you too. Is that your default reaction to being insulted? I feel like maybe that says something about your ability to come up with a rational retort. Bella obviously didn't marry you for your brains. Oh wait," I said as the air grew painfully hot and I danced back with a grin. "You tricked her into it. No wonder you stuck her on the moon. Otherwise you'd be stuck married to a wife who outshines you in every way, despite being one of the humans you despise so much. Or, well, I guess she was human. You messed that up too! Wow. And you had the nerve to call me a mistake! Your idea of punishing someone who had the nerve to be better than you was to immortalize her. How stupid is that?"
Rex looked beyond enraged. He looked apoplectic, eyeballs bulging and breath singeing the air in front of him.
He snarled, "If you like her so much, why don't you join her?" He flung out his hand, creating a burst of orange light that collided with my chest, flinging me backward.
"No! Aspen!" Bek cried, trying to grab Rex's arm.
I expected to hit the wall, but I vaporized before I hit it.
Daz jumped to his feet. Bek rounded on Rex. Leo didn't do anything, simply analyzing the scene with cold green eyes.
"Dude, what the fvck?" Daz said. "Humans can't live on the moon!"
"Rex, how could you? They'll die!" Bek exclaimed, an anguished expression tearing his face.
Rex appeared conflicted for a split second. Horror shone in his orange eyes before he masked it with a layer of- to risk undermining his domain- ice.
"Their residence here was contingent on their good behavior," he spat. "If you want them so badly, I'll bring back what's left of them after my next visit to that accursed place."
Bek appeared distraught. He clutched the sides of his head in dismay before he dissolved into a swirl of red sparks and disappeared to who knows where.
Daz leveled his brother with a mocking laugh. "Well, you've really fvcked it up this time." For once, he seemed almost serious, almost angry. But that was impossible, right?
"I will not have you question my actions," Rex boomed.
Rather than rising to the bait as he normally would have, Daz turned away and transformed into a bolt of yellow lightning, presumably off to Arcanan to destroy things.
Alone in the chamber, Rex fought with his thoughts. He sent a bolt of fire at the wall with a roar, leaving a large scorch mark on the stone. Panting, he surveyed the damage.
What had he just done?
Excruciating pain.
I know, shocking, right? Who would have thought that being teleported to the moon, a place with no air, subzero temperatures, and the ever-present vacuum of space would be painful?
I couldn't inhale. Unfathomable cold wracked every inch of my body. I curled into a ball and prayed that, whatever happened, it would be over soon.
Pale blue light enveloped me like a cocoon, seeping into every pore. I shook as the magic- for that was all it could be- shielded me from the unforgiving environment.
When the blue magic was done, I curled into a ball on the rocky ground to recover. I breathed deeply, refusing to even try to think about where the air was coming from.
"Oh, divines. Here, now, lie on your back. It will be alright," said a soft female voice.
"Who..." I coughed, but it didn't take me long to realize that the only person it could be was... "Bella Mune?" I whispered weakly.
The woman seemed surprised. "You know me?" she asked gently.
I found the strength to roll onto my side. Kneeling next to me was a beautiful, kind-looking woman with long black hair with tips of the lightest blue. She wore a wispy periwinkle dress that bared her shoulders, and thin, barely hand-length horns branched out from her hair, tipped with a silver star each. She had invocations similar to that of the divines, colored the same as her dress and hair. Pearly tear tracks stained her cheeks like scars, but she didn't cry as she beheld me. Her warm face was filled with professional urgency.
"Can you breathe alright?" she asked.
"Yeah," I managed. "You... you just saved my life." I tangled my fingers in my hair, barely noticing the white dust discoloring it. "Holy half-bulls. You... Bella Mune just saved my life!"
She looked bemused. "I did," she said slowly, a hint of a smile turning up the edges of her mouth. "May I ask how you know my name?"
Realizing I was making a bit of a fool of myself, I pulled my hands from my hair and rested them on my thighs after pushing myself to a kneeling position (not the best, but still better than curling up in the fetal position.
"Right, sorry. I'm Aspen. They/them pronouns, which, if you don't know, means I'm not a boy or a girl. I'm somewhere in between. I wasn't sure if you knew that since you disappeared centuries ago... and I'm babbling. Sorry. Um."
Bella smiled. "It's quite alright. You know my name, I believe, and I use she/her pronouns. From the way you're acting, I'm guessing my reputation has become a bit more widespread since my days as a human."
I blushed. "You... um... you've kind of become a legend back on Arcanan. You were- um- you were famous before you disappeared, and it was a mystery where you'd gone for a while. Then the rumor got spread that Rex had tricked you into accepting his proposal and chained you to the moon," I said.
Bella laughed, a bright sound that lifted my spirits. "All true," she said, "and how did you get here? I hope he didn't do the same to you."
I made a face. "Oh, Divus, no. It's... kind of a long story."
"Well, little one, I have nothing but time."
I couldn't argue with that. I told her how I'd encountered Bek in the market and helped him escape the thugs. I recounted my fiasco with Rex in the woods, to Bella's exasperation. When I got to Daz, Bella looked bemused, and when I reached Leo and the forest, her eyes bugged out.
"You encountered four divines?"
"Oh, it gets better. The asshat- sorry- he got mad that I accidentally picked one of his flowers, and when I talked back to him, he strangled me with vines, and I'm pretty sure he only didn't kill me because he recognized me from his brothers' descriptions."
"You're joking."
"I wish."
I launched into the point when Daz, Leo, and Kel showed up at my house, my conversation with Kel, and the subsequent disaster at the Castille de Amor.
"Then that same night, I went to a tavern-dance-thing and met Nix, who bewitched my friend and bullied my dance partner, then took me to the divines' home, and basically the divines decided I'd stay because it's the only option that satisfied all of them. Rex and Leo wanted me punished, Bek and Kel (I assume) wanted me alive, and Daz and Nix thought I was entertaining. As you can imagine, I wasn't too happy about that. So I picked a fight with Rex and said, among other things, that you were too good for him. So he sent me here. I'm not sure if he knew you'd save me or just had a temper tantrum, but either way, it just proves how unfit he is to be 'in charge' of his brothers."
Bella Mune was flabbergasted. "Well. That's quite the story. You must be overwhelmed."
I didn't know what to say. She was so kind! And she was my idol, the only one of the divines I'd come even close to revering.
"I... yeah. I am."
Suddenly, I found myself tearing up. She was the first kind presence I'd been around since Nix brought me here, and apparently that was enough to break the dam.
Bella saw my tears, and her eyes widened. "Oh, little one. Come here. It's alright," she said soothingly.
I flinched away from her outstretched arms, and she retracted them immediately when she saw that.
"I... you..." I couldn't form the words correctly. "You shouldn't be comforting me. Compared to you, my life is fine."
Gentle hands came to rest on my shoulders. Bella looked at me, her face sympathetic in the silvery light from the moon and the flowers surrounding her.
"Suffering is not a competition. You don't need to base the severity of your pain on the pain of others," she said. "Your feelings are real, and the comparative experiences of others don't do anything to change that."
My sniffles worsened. Bella truly was everything the stories said she was. I thought about asking for a hug, but that was ridiculous.
"So Rex sent us both here, it seems," she said.
"Yeah. He's kind of a butt-faced egotistical cockalorum." I looked away as I said it, ashamed at saying such vulgar things in front of someone so perfect.
Okay, before anyone says anything, she's different from the other divines. Shes earned my respect.
She snorted, possibly the most unladylike sound I'd heard her make. "I won't tell you you're wrong," she said with the barest hint of a grin.
A thought struck me, and I pulled back.
"Am I going to die here? Do any of the divines ever come to see you here?"
She considered. "Rex does sometimes, as often as the mood strikes him. Kel has come once or twice, but I wouldn't rely on that. Nearly a decade has passed since anyone has come to visit me."
I started to shake my head. "I'm sure you know I can't survive a decade without food or water, healing magic or no."
"I haven't tested whether my flowers have any nutritional value, but even if they did, that wouldn't solve the issue of water."
"Even so, I'd feel weird living off of something made from your tears. No offense," I added hastily.
"None taken," she reassured me, a slight smile on her face.
Then an idea struck me. "Wait... how long is it until the next full moon?"
Bella understood instantly. "Five days from now. Are you suggesting..."
" take me with you the next time you can travel down to Arcanan?"
"That's brilliant!" she exclaimed.
My heart raced. The Bella Mune had just called me brilliant, but this wasn't the time to be focusing on that.
"You think it could work, then?"
"It may! I've never tried taking someone with me- there's never been an opportunity to. Five days... I can keep you alive until then."

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