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There had been limited trouble Snowdon could have got into in a crowded ballroom, where everyone was casting frequent glances in his direction. On the dark path which led through the woods into town, it would be all to easy for something terrible to happen. Particularly when the queen's guardsman left silently behind him, the golden buttons on his coat gleaming in the light.

I wasn't sure that I wanted to see what was going to happen next, but the curious anxiety tugging at my heart got the better of me. There wouldn't be mirrors outside of the palace, but I had another trick I could use if I was really desperate, although it wasn't my favourite thing to do. I closed my eyes and pictured one of the shining gold buttons from the guardsman's jacket. When I opened them again, I could see the prince closing one of the veranda doors and sneaking outside.

It took some effort, but I could appear in anything with a reflective surface, more or less. I had tried water once, but was horrible, as I felt like I was drowning and everything was too blurry to see anyway. The button was less than ideal, as it was so small. I felt cramped and claustrophobic, and everything had a gold sheen over it. But it was the only way I was going to know what was going on.

The guard was keeping his distance. As he moved, my view was jolted up and down. With the colour variation and confined space, I quickly started to feel nauseous, a sensation I always found as intriguing as it was uncomfortable, since I was pretty sure I couldn't actually be sick. I didn't have any other bodily functions, so it wouldn't make sense if I could throw up. That didn't lessen the pounding, dizzy sensation in my head though.

Up ahead of me, I could see the prince meandering down the path which I assumed must lead from the castle to the village. I rarely glimpsed the outside world, unless the queen summoned me through her compact on carriage rides. But there was only one path and I knew that you couldn't leave the castle without passing through the village below it. The path was walled in by tall trees on either side, with gnarled trunks and twisted branches entwined with thorns. They blocked us in; menacing sentries which would eradicate any opportunity for the prince to escape when the guard struck.

Talbot was gaining on the prince steadily, moving without a sound so that he wouldn't be alerted to his presence. When the guard was barely a metre away, he drew a dagger out from his belt. The deadly metal scrapped against his scabbard with a noise that caused the prince to wheel around.

"Who goes there?" He demanded, his own hand gripping the hilt of his sword. "Talbot, is that you?" The guard froze.

"Yes, your highness," he said replied, his voice full of an emotion I couldn't place.

"Talbot. You haven't aged a day! You look exactly as you did on the morning I left. I can still remember you escorting me down to the carriage."

"The darkness is deceptive, your highness. The years have taken their toll."

"And I can remember before that," the prince continued as though he had not spoken. "You were always my father's favourite guard. He spoke so highly of you. He told me before he died to turn to you if I was even in need. I asked after you when I returned."

"The message didn't reach me, your highness."

"Well, you are here now. Skulking around in the dark like a bandit! What can I help you with?" Despite his genial tone, the prince's hand had not strayed once from his sword hilt. I watched as he tightened his grip, ready to draw it if necessary.

"These woods are dangerous, your highness. It is not safe for you to travel alone." There was a pause before Snowdon responded, his voice still cheery.

"Well, why don't you accompany me then? It would be nice to have someone show me where the tavern is."

Talbot stood frozen, presumably warring between his orders and his conscience. If only I could see his face... I was used to reading appearances, not the rapid rise and falling of chests. And Snowdon's face was too distorted by the golden sheen for his expression to be of any use. The dagger was reflective, but if Talbot struck I would have an all too gruesome perspective. Oh speak, man. Answer him.

"It is not safe here." He said at length.

"But if you escort me..."

"No, I don't mean on the path. I mean in the kingdom. The Queen-"

"She sent you to kill me, didn't she, Talbot." His words were simple. Matter of fact. How long had he suspected her for?

"Your highness, I'm sorry."

"I won't go without a fight, Talbot. My father would expect me to die with honour. I will try my best not to kill you though. You were always so kind to me." As he started to draw his sword, Talbot dropped the dagger.

"Your highness, please, stop. I can't stand it. I can't kill you." I let out a choked gasp of relief.

"But your orders-"

"You need to leave. If I refuse to kill you, she will just send someone else. Get as far away as you can and don't return without an army behind you to take her down. I'll tell her that I killed you. It should buy you some time."

Snowdon paused, considering the guard's words carefully. "But the kingdom-"

"Will still be here when you get back. But right now, you need to leave." This time, Snowdon nodded.

"Where should I go?"

"It's best I don't know, just in case the queen suspects something. But further afield than the village. I will leave you here to return to the queen."

The guard turned to go, but Snowdon called him back. He picked the dagger up from the ground and walked towards Talbot. He was closer now and I could make out the resolve on his face as he drew the dagger across his palm, barely flinching as blood bubbled up to the surface. "Your proof. She will check." The guard nodded and began to walk away. I couldn't bear to be jolted the whole way back to the castle, so I shut my eyes and left him, my head spinning.

{Thank you so much for reading Mirrored Snow. If you are enjoying the story so far, please vote or leave a comment. I'm going to try and post the next chapter on Tuesday}

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