the first move

790 42 14

Yep, that was the end of the conversation they are now looking at each other.

Each one of them is waiting for the other to break the silence "I...I don't have a crush on u "came out of Tinn's mouth without thinking he's been close to gun nowadays and gun  is so precious to him he can't lose him

It heart gun, he just wanted to shoot his shot but looks like it didn't turn out the way he thought  "I was joking with u " Gun said letting out a laughter

Tinn didn't answer he just smiled and tried not to overthink what just happened


"some girl is flirting with gun so bad," Por said entering the band room
"Someone is flirting with gun" Tinn repeated in confusion there is no way

"and gun is flirting back," Yo said "I think he likes her, "Por added

"I don't think I'm feeling good, gotta go home"
Tinn packed his stuff "Gun likes someone "

The group of boys passed by Tinn in the hallway " Is he crying" Win said to the other boys "I think so....Wait isn't that Tinn" Phat added "Yeah looks like him" Tiw answered

Tinn came back home destroyed, it's not like they are together or something but does gun like that girl?
"How was your day sweetheart," Gun's mom asked as he entered the cafe
"Exhausting," he said throwing himself into his mom's hug "It's okay," she said petting her son back " I made your favorite food " Tinn finally smiled which relieved his mom "Thanks Mom"

Tomorrow morning, gun watched Tinn entering the class but to his surprise tinn didn't look at him as he usually does, his eyes were swallowed, and he....looked sad

Before he even asks him the teacher started explaining the lesson, it's math class he gotta pay attention"alright imma ask him later" he mumbled to himself

It's lunchtime they gotta go to the cafeteria "We have to hurry up it's steak day " Tiw said dragging his friend with him "You guys can go I have something to deal with" Gun said looking at the boy in front of him

"aii tinn" the boy heard him but seems like he is ignoring him "Tinn I'm calling you can't you hear me "

Looks like the boy was getting out of the class with his friend so he went quickly and grabbed his wrist "Don't touch me "Tinn yelled. Wow it was the first time Gun saw Tinn this angry

He left and Gun was shocked at what the hell just happened 

" looks like someone is still sad," Tiw said, but Gun didn't understand "Well yesterday me and the boys were heading home after class, and we were talking about the website I told you about-"

" get to the point " Gun yelled scaring the shit out of Tiw " Basically we all saw him crying "

"crying? Why was he crying?" they all signed in a shrug

Lunch is over and it's time to come back to the class gun was waiting for Tinn in the hallway

He finally showed up "Tinn we need to talk," Gun said grabbing Tinn's hand "I'm not in the mood to talk," he said attempting to walk away

"okay what's the matter, " Gun asked softly "Nothing" Tinn tried to walk away again "Why are u acting this way ," he said getting close to Tinn  holding his hands

Gun looked at Por standing next to Tinn
"oh you want me to go," Por  patted Gun's shoulder and walked away

Looks like Gun was not giving up so he agreed to talk to him "We need to go somewhere else "

They walked to  an empty class and close the door, they both sit next to each other

"I heard you were crying yesterday," Gun said getting straight to the point
Tinn was embarrassed to tell him that he was crying because of him so he tried coming up with a lie " I was sad "

"About what?" Gun said waiting for Tinn to explain more" I don't wanna tell you we are not friends anyway"

He said getting up and trying to get out as gun blocked him against the door "Did I do something "

"Who says it's about you," Tinn said avoiding Gun's gaze "You've been ignoring me since the morning, and look at you trying to avoid looking at me again" It's true there was nothing left for Tinn to say

The  sunlight was on Tinn's face he was breathtaking, his beautiful brown eyes and his lips were pouting he wanted to eat them not talk about the blush spreading on his cheeks because of how close they are

Gun wasn't stupid he knew from the beginning what was bothering Tinn but he was not sure about it "They were some girls spreading rumors about me and some girl I don't even know I uhh.... Just wanted to get this clear. I'm not interested in any girl at the time" gun said looking into tinn's eyes

Tinn would lie if he said he's not happy about what Gun just said

" I can't help it anymore," Gun said leaning into Tinn's neck sniff kissing him
Gun always wondered what type of perfume Tinn used he smells so good

Gun noticed as the boy leaned his neck giving him space to kiss more

He got away from his neck "You smell good " Gun said that getting closer to the boy's face he couldn't help but look at his lips

" I saw that," Tinn said teasingly "Saw what "Gun was trying to annoy Tinn

And the other one whined "Gun" making him chuckle

Tinn took a sharp breath, as Gun placed a hand on his waist, their face was so close "Kiss me" Tinn whispered into gun lips rolling his hands around gun's neck

Their lips attached, it felt so good they would never be able to put it into words tinn slightly opened his mouth giving access to Gun's tongue to join in

They separated as a string of Silva connected their lips

Tinn hoop into gun and hugged him so tightly the other didn't hesitate to give him a tighter hug

Well this was long because the next chapter would be the end of this story anyway hope u enjoyed (๑•ᴗ•๑)

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