EPISODE 1: A Strange Void, the Deal with a Sprog!

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All of a sudden, the seemingly endless darkness and silence begins to brighten up for Triskull as he hears an unfamiliar voice whispering in his elongated ears. "Wake up..." He sees this as weird, strange and nonsensical. Shouldn't he be dead? He remembers being slain by the Red Lightspeed Ranger vividly...all the way down to his-

His right arm reaches down to his abdomen, where the gaping injury should be, only to discover that it doesn't seem to be there. This is starting to get really crazy for the Demon Bounty Hunter. How could it just disappear? That simply isn't possible...right? There it is again, that voice whispering in his ears again. "Wake up..." This was starting to get on his nerves. Then it comes again. "Wake up..." And again. "Wake up..." And again. "Wake up..." And again. "Wake up..."

This has went from unnerving, to annoying for Triskull. He's had enough. "Shut it! That's really starting to piss me off!" For the first time in what felt like an eternity, Triskull's eyes open once more as he sits up faster than you can say "barbecue". Still slightly peeved, Triskull looks around himself to see...nothing but a white void with a cloudy blue sky.

He quickly realises that he isn't where he just was when he fell, nor is he still on Earth. He was expecting to at least be an undead Monster Spirit that would endlessly wander in the Shadow World, but that doesn't appear to be the case here at all. Something quickly caught his attention though. He is...alive? What? Triskull looks down at his hands, and down at his abdomen. Not a single trace of the gaping hole is present before he supposedly died. He comments. "That isn't possible. How can this be...?"

His thoughts are disturbed when he hears the voice again, calling to him. "Turn around..." He does so, but also fires a green energy blast from his mouth at whoever is being so annoying. "Take that!" The owner of this annoying voice, that appeared to be a black shadow with ruby red glowing eyes, simply manifests a hand and grasps the attack with ease before speaking with a calm deminer while crushing the energy without an ounce of effort. "Your wound was severe, fatal even, but used some of my powers to treat it..."

Triskull, ignoring what this Entity said for a moment, stares at it with shock in his ember eyes before he swiftly picks up his sword and points it towards his supposed saviour. "How did you do that?! What the hell are you?!" The Entity swiftly moves from in front of Triskull, to behind him. It places its hand gently on his right shoulder guard. "Look at you...so sure of yourself, so arrogant, so...SCARED!"

This is enough to piss him off even more. Triskull retorts as he looks over his shoulder at this being, whatever it is. He scoffs. "Scared? As if! The Mighty Triskull fears no one!" He quickly spins around to slash at the Entity with his sword, but as he faces what's behind him, nothing stands before him. He then hears its voice again from behind him. "Heh, you love the sound of your own voice, don't you? Must be the narcissism..." Triskull turns around to face the Entity. "So what? Is your mission to taunt me? What the hell is your game?"

This makes the Entity chuckle. "Game? Hardly. As much fun it would be to simply play with your mind for all of eternity...no. I saved your pitiful being for a reason." The Entity's shadowy form started to shift and change into...a short human looking feminine Boy with long, LONG purple hair and blood red eyes. He appears to be wearing black and white dress with a golden hairband on his head, keeping his overgrown hair in place. He also possesses pointy Elf like ears. Triskull is confused at first, but his confusion turns into mild anger. "You..you mean to tell me that I was just toyed with by a mere sprog of all things?!"

you mean to tell me that I was just toyed with by a mere sprog of all things?!"

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The Boy delivers a menacing smile. "Hmm, I suppose so..." He then playfully tilts his head. "What's the matter? Can it be that the so called "Mighty Triskull" is getting all worked up over being tricked be me? That would be so pathetic...if I were a child." Triskull takes a step backwards before he speaks. "Alright, enough with all this mystery and playtime bullcrap! Who. The hell. Are. You?" The Boy smiles as he places his left hand on Triskull's sword and gently lowers it while answering. "My name is Asuramaru...I am a Demon like you, but of different origins from yours, I'm sure."

Triskull squints is right eye, but remains silent. Asuramaru continues. "I was human once...before I became a blood sucking creature that you may know as a "Vampire"...I starved and became what you see now..." He sighs while still keeping his lips curled into that creepy smile. "That was a few hundred years ago...funny little world, isn't it?" Triskull scoffs. "I don't give a damn about your dumb little sob story. What is this place, and what do you want with me?" Ignoring Triskull's blunt remark, Asuramaru answers as he motions to the white void around them. "Oh, this place is my domain. My realm, if you will. I've lived here for as far back as I can remember."

He then turns his attention back to the hulking demonic beast in front of him. "As for your second question...I need your help, Bounty Hunter." Triskull rests his sword on his right shoulder as he looks down at the short-stacked whelp. "What with?" Asuramaru wastes no time answering. "There's something going down in the Mortal Realm that sickens me...a war between Humans and Vampires...and as I'm unable to interfere, I ask that you, THE Demon Bounty Hunter, help me put an end to this meaningless squabble." Triskull bends down to Asuramaru's level in a patronising manner and looks him dead in the eyes. "I'm not sure if you've noticed yet or not, sprog, but we're both in the same boat here...I'm dead!"

Asuramaru smirks. "How little you really know, Bounty Hunter...I may not be able to leave this Realm personally, but I can send you back to your physical form in the Mortal Realm with that gaping injury all patched up." Triskull is a bit taken aback by this revelation. "Say what now? You can just revive me just like that?!" Asuramaru nods. "Just like that with no strings attached...however, you just need to agree to do one favour for me...Stop. That. War. Do that, and that second chance at life is yours..."

Triskull points his sword at Asuramaru's neck with a confident smirk. "And what if I return to my body and decide not to play along with your demand? After all, I don't work for free." Asuramaru answers. "Simple, I can easily just bring you back here and you can just spend all of eternity with me...simply just existing...doesn't that sound fun?" Triskull second guesses his own suggestion of not playing along now. The mere idea of having to spend an eternity with this annoying sprog sounds like an absolute nightmare to him. He sighs as he caves in. "Fine, I'll do it. Just don't make me have to tolerate your obnoxious face for any longer than I have to!"

Asuramaru smiles and giggles. "Excellent! Good...and don't worry, you'll get your payment at the end of this and more..." This makes Triskull squint his right eye again. "What do you mean by that? Use a little more basic tongue, sprog!" Asuramaru places his left hand on Triskull's blade. "Here, my gift to you..." His hand glows a bright red colour as he touches the blade. After five seconds, the glow fades away. Triskull looks down at his sword and then back to Asuramaru. "What the hell was that?" Asuramaru answers. "You'll face enemies in the war who are far more powerful than the individual who killed you...so I handed your weapon a gift that'll give you an edge. If you should need it, just resight the phrase: "Drink my blood." when you need a boost."

Triskull looks down at his sword again, uncertain of what Asuramaru just said. "You're seriously wanting me to believe that?" He looks in Asuramaru's direction again to see that he has vanished. "Up here!" Triskull looks upwards to see that the Boy has returned to his shadowy form again. "I wish you luck, Bounty Hunter. Don't disappoint me!" Triskull's vision is blurred by a sudden bright white light that booms into existence and knocks him back to the ground, rendering him unconscious. And that's where I'll leave this for now...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2023 ⏰

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