"You all may discuss and create choreography." I look at the boys beside me and start talking. I have a tendency for taking control of things although I dont always notice it. "Alright, lets go to the dance practice rooms and get to work!" They nod and all follow me to the dance room next to my side of the dorms. "So which song should we do?" The boy Jake asked me. "I was thinking one of their collab songs, Going Dumb?" Everyone nods and we begin choreography. We finished the choreography and sweat is dripping down each of our faces. Chans voice echos through the speakers. "You have 30 minutes everyone!" I look at my teammates before speaking. "We've got this so dont worry, everyone take a quick shower and meet me back here in 20." "Ok!" Everyone chimes in and we go to our rooms. I take a quick shower and change into green baggy pants and a white top. We chose a color scheme as to not look out of place when dancing with each other. I put my sneakers on and walk back to the dance practice room with my hands in my pockets. Once I get there I see Jake and he looks stressed. "Hey dont worry about this, Like I said we got this!" He smiles at me and everyone comes in. "Ok we have 7 minutes, should we get to know each other a bit more?" Everyone agrees and the 7 minutes go by faster than we realize. "Everyone please meet in the performance room." Chans voice echos through the practice room again and we walk down together still talking and laughing. As we reach the practice room I realize that no one looks like friends, They look un interested. I smile to myself. Were the best here. After everyone goes we spot some mistakes and note not to make them ourselves. "Last but not least Team 10." We walk to the stage and I start the music.

(Watch until 1:16)

We finish the dance and I lock eyes with the mean girl from before. She attempts to look confident but it doesn't work so she looks away. I keep a straight face and look away after her. Straykids speak. "Woah you guys are really good!" I smile and count to 3 before my team bows. "Hyejin are you the leader?" Jeongin asks and look at each of my members before I nod. "Did you make the choreography as well?" I speak into the mic that was handed to me just now from the stage crew. "I made the prototype and we all tweaked it and added a bit of ourselves." They smile at us and Chan speaks. "You sound like a great leader." I smile back and we all bow again. "Thank you." My group leaves the stage and I hand the mic back to the backstage crew before bowing and exiting the stage myself. We talk and joke around before Straykids speak again. "We've decided that the groups that wont work for us are groups 1,4,5 and 9." I look around and notice the mean girl is in group 9, sucks it had to work out this way. "Please pack your bags." Chan pauses. "Everyone else, please get ready for dinner." He smiles and my group leaves with everyone else as I tie my shoe. Felix comes up to me practically skipping. "Hi Hyejin!" I look at the boy infront of me and smile "Hi! Felix right?" He nods and puts his hand out for me to grab as I stand up. "Thank you." He nods and smiles. "No problem." "May I walk you to your dorm?" I nod and smile at the boy. "Sure." We talk and laugh all the way to my dorm and learn many new things about each other, "Hey do you want to pick my outfit?" I ask the sunshine of a boy and his face lights up. "Id love to." I open my door and he holds it open for me "My Lady." I laugh at the boy and he walks in behind me. He goes through my clothes and picks a cute outfit to his taste. I go to my bathroom and put it on before walking out. "Either that outfit is super cute or its just you." He states with his mouth agape. My mouth shoots open before I hit him playfully. "Chan and Jisung are right. You really are cute." The heat rises and flushes my cheeks worse than before as he pats me on the head. He holds my hand in his and I put on my sneakers before we head to the cafeteria. "Can we sit with you and your friend?" He asks, making me turn to him. "We?" He smiles at me "Straykids!" "Ohhh, yeah of course!" He smiles as we talk and joke soon entering the cafeteria. We're still laughing as we enter and we walk to the table where Alex is waiting for me. "Oh hey Hye- Felix!" He cuts himself off in shock and Felix smiles at him. "Is it ok if the rest of Straykids sit here too?" Alex nods and Felix stands up. "Im going to grab the rest of the members." He pats my head and winks at me before walking away. Alex nods at the boy and watches him walk away before putting a hand to his mouth and whisper shouting "Another one!?" I look at him confused. "What?" "Another one that likes you!" I roll my eyes playfully. "Your being delusional." He fake pouts causing me to sigh and get up, sitting down next to him to comfort him.
As I'm rubbing Alex's back Straykids come and sit with us, with some members pulling chairs to our table. "Is he ok?" Changbin asks and Alex brings his head up, looking at me to answer the boy in front of him. I sigh playfully and turn my attention to Changbin. "He's fine, he's just being dramatic." He smiles at me and Seungmin speaks up. "We know how that feels." "Hey!" Hyunjin yells causing laughter to erupt from our table. I hear whispers from the people around me and I look towards the voices, confused on what their whispering about. I turn around and catch the stink eye of a girl whispering to her friend before looking me up and down menacingly. I scoff and cross my arms returning the favor to the asshole behind me. "Hyejin?" Jeongins voice breaks me out of my anger and I look back at the boys to find them all staring at me. "You ok?" Chan asks and I nod. "Yeah, this girls just giving me the stink eye." As soon as those words leave my mouth, the same girl comes to my table and crosses her arms in front of me, implying shes waiting for something. I scoff and cock my eyebrow at her. "Girl, you better not be expecting an apology." She rolls her eyes and bends to my sitting height. "What do you think I'm asking for, bitch?" I scoff at the name and stand quickly, taking her aback and temporarily scaring her. "What did you call me?" I cross my arms and tilt my head down to match her height. "B-Bitch." She attempts at cursing me out but she stutters, making me laugh. "Next time you want to curse someone out, try not to stutter." I tilt my head, looking at her as if she said the dumbest thing known to man and she shuts up, immediately avoiding any gazes that come to her and walking to an empty table. I shake my head, laughing with anger before sitting back down and leaning in my chair. She pissed me the fuck off. I cross my arms and look up, meeting the gaze of Han who's sitting right in front of me. He winks and mouths to me "That was hot." I playfully roll my eyes and smile at him. We all get our food and eat before the boys have to announce the end of lunch and the start of our next mission. "For this mission it is a couple performance, the top placing leaders from the previous competition will be the only ones taking part in this, but." Chan pauses for suspense and shortly continues after. "They will be performing with a Straykids member!" Gasps erupt throughout the room and I just smile knowing that the winners are in good hands. "The leading winners from last competition are. Heesung, Sunoo, Andie, and Hyejin." Once he calls my name I look up shocked and He smiles at me. "You 4 come up and choose who you will dance with." We come up and Heesung picks Jeongin, Sunoo picks Felix, Andie picks Changbin and I pick Leeknow. Everyone is dismissed from the lunch room and Leeknow comes to my side. "We haven't gotten the chance to talk much." He smiles at me kindly and laughs, causing me to laugh after. "Lets go to the practice room and learn more about each other before doing choreography." He smiles and nods his head. "Thats a solid plan, plus this is for tomorrow so we have more time than usual." I nod determinedly and he smiles. We begin to walk to the dance practice rooms but immediately realize we went in different directions. We turn around shocked and laugh together. "Should we go to yours or mine?" I redden a little at how his questions sounds and he realizes, sending him into a fit of laughter. He calms himself down and walks close to me before bending slightly and whispering in my ear. "Lets go to mine." I redden and he laughs at me before he starts walking, I shake out of my screaming thoughts and catch up with him.

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