yes or no!?

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Yn came down looking gorgeous as hell when Mrs jeon told yn's mom to call her downstairs.
She went towards Mr and Mrs jeon and touched their feet but they hugged her telling her not to touch their feets. They made her  sit near jungkook, and they all were discussing random things asking random questions..

Yn pov:
As soon as I came down, my eyes met with jungkook. He is so handsome and cute. He has a bunny face. I really don't know what this feeling is a start of but my heart started to flutter just by his thought and that eye contact!!
Pov end

Jk pov:
My eyes met that of yn, and no doubt she is soo pretty. Her eyes are like alcohol, more like an addiction. I felt attracted towards her. Ihv never seen such a beautiful girl like her .. my heart started to flutter just because of her. What is this and why it is??
Pov end

After some hours of chatting together, the parents decided to let them talk in alone so that they can have a conversation and try to understand each other more...
Natik told yn to take jungkook with her to the terrace. She obeyed her father's command and she took him to the terrace..

On terrace:
Yn: So, I'll start by introducing myself..

Yn: so, I am Yn Singhania and I am an actor, doctor and Indian singer. I like reading and helping everyone.. nd blah blah

So like that they both introduced each other and then talked with each other and got to know each other... After a while they discussed their answer and they went downstairs and shared their decision...

Jk+yn: so, our answer in yes...

With that both the families hugged each other and decided everything and during the evening times they all exchanged the shagun....


So sorry guys for uploading very late.. ihad some family issues guys and my mother was in icu. She is still in hospital and she is really not well, and I was engaged in my studies and also my parents had set a time limit for my phone and except of that time limit, I study all day and night and I am quite stressed mentally. I hope y'all will understand.
I'll try my best to update you sorry to disappoint you in any of the ways..😔
But I hope my galaxies will understand me...

Bye take care and love u🫶🏻💞

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2023 ⏰

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