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Y/n Nakamachi is the younger sister of Asuka Nakamachi. Shes 15 years old and goes to an alternative school.
Y/n Nakamachi hasn't been able to talk because she is mute since she was bullied,Used for being a fake friend, Controlled by her best friend Sakura.
So, Minato from Chaney has been there for her since his debut. In y/n's past she want able to speak to anyone in Korean except for her South Korean family who she is very close with Korean family from SM Entertainment-NCT 127, NCT U , NCT DREAM, WAYV, & NCT DOJAEJUNG (NCT).
If anyone makes y/n feel left out or not happy. All of NCT will come and make sure she is happy and not upset about anything that she says or does.
Will Dan meet Asuka young sister while being in 8loom, will y/n be with Minato or will she move to South Korea to be with her Korean family from SM Entertainment?


ということで、チェイニーのミナトはデビュー当時からずっと彼女をサポートしてくれていました。過去に彼女は、SM エンターテインメントの NCT 127、NCT U、NCT DREAM、WAYV、NCT DOJAEJUNG (NCT) の韓国の家族と非常に親しい韓国の家族を除いて、誰とでも韓国語で話せるようになりたいと考えていました。
誰かがあなたを疎外感を感じさせたり、幸せではないと感じさせたりする場合。 NCTの全員が来て、彼女が幸せで、彼女の言動に動揺していないことを確認します。

Main character:
Y/n Nakamachi
Asuka Namamachi-Older sister
- Chayney
Supporting characters:
-y/n's Korean family from SM Entertainment-NCT 127, NCT U , NCT DREAM, WAYV, & NCT DOJAEJUNG (NCT)

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