02 : Flashback

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..This is Kinda a Flashback type of Chapter..

Now it's time to introduce their Parents and their background story.......

From How they have known each other since Childhood to their School life and Finally their College...

Formerly starting from our Female lead : Kang Jia, She is half Korean from her Father's Side and Half Indian from her Mother's side. She was originally residing in India with her Mom until the age of 7, due to some issues. Her Father is CEO of Kang Enterprises leading him to be apart from his Family in India as the said Company is situated in Gangnam-do near Seoul in South Korea.

And then she shifted from India to Korea with her mom later on. That's why she is know Four language likely, English, Korean ,Hindi and her mother tongue which they only use in their home. Her dad also know Hindi language ,He can understand everything the mother - daughter duo say, especially in wrath or if by chance they are cursing. Nevertheless they love each other and are a little happy family contended with each other as Kang Jia is the only Daughter of Mr. Kang and Mrs. Kang.

They are Frank with Jia but also a little strict to be specific her mother who takes the responsibility of keeping her daughter in check because sometimes Jia is reckless, clumsy and is spoiled by her father's love, as you all know the father - daughter were apart from each other.

Mr kang really missed his little family and after sometime the time came when he finally met them. He showered them with unconditional love and too much adoration especially to his only daughter. Same goes for Jia, among her parents , she is a dada's girl.

And after Our Male lead : yang Jungwon happened in her life, coming into her life like an unexpected surprise at the age of 8. They both were in the same primary school ,in same class, infact they were seatmates. They just interacted like a normal pair of classmates would do in the 1st half of the class for a couple of months, and became friends.

But they were unknown to the fact that their Fathers are pretty close friends along with business partners. They both owns large share in each other's company.

One specific day, Mr. Yang along with his family came to meet his friend , Mr kang at Kang's Residence ,Mr Kang's house as per they decided previously in their office. That was when Jia and Jungwon got to know that their Fathers are close friends and that was the starting point of their now deep friendship.

Jia initiated the first move to be friends with Jungwon as the latter is shy, latter on Jungwon started to opening and warming up with Jia. (As of now Jungwon is a goof ball with Jia around.)

Slowly and eventually Time passed and they become best friends, the "Ice-Firez Duo". On one hand Jia is Extrovert, childish , oblivious, bubbly and kind type of person, Jungwon is the the exact opposite by being an Introvert, Mature, shy and yet a keen observer.

Jia in Highschool:

Jia in Highschool:

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