03 : Reminiscing Memories

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Third person's pov

After reaching Jungwon's condominium , they stepped out of the car and entered the Lavish looking condo owned by person with Feline like eyes.

They both made their way to their respective bedrooms and freshened up afterall, after a hard day at work, a cold shower of water is all the duo need to take off the heat from their body as it's Mid August of Approaching Winter and got ready to head to the Red Stiletto Restaurant invited by their parents for dinner as they want see how their kids are doing.

As of the moment, Niki is busy overseas for a business trip abroad and his parents are in Japan right now for a vacation. So , The Nishimura's can't join the dinner party.
It's only The Yang's and Kang's tonight.

After a while, Jungwon came downstairs after dressing up and waited by the door for Jia so, that they can leave early, until his gaze fell on a female figure ascending downstairs while clutching the hem of her dress, trying not to trip on the stairs because of her dress. and It did be a big lie if Jungwon said Jia isn't looking like an fallen angel, looking so adorably alluring just now. His heart just skip a beat inside his chest unbeknown to him. she finally came down and stood in front of the latter who is busy drilling holes on her face by his intense stare, but that was until she broke his trance by waving her hands in front of him.

Btw , here the outfit she is wearing, designed by herself that is making Jungwon dazed right now :

Her slightly curly hair, which she is keeping Loose for tonight on display, complementing her unique features and tan complexion

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Her slightly curly hair, which she is keeping Loose for tonight on display, complementing her unique features and tan complexion. With white tinkling ear rings and necklace completing her looks with white sneakers as she is not fond of heels. Anyway, her sneakers are going to be hidden as her skirt is long enough.

"Where are you lost, wonnie ?? Dazed by my exquisite beauty that cant take your eyes off me..." said a cocky Jia, wanting to tease Jungwon. But oh boi, who she was messing with. Jungwon was not going to let it off hook either. so, he being the savage boy he is, said " Nowhere, Ji. what can I do if my sight is being blessed with an ethereal sight."

what the latter said made Jia's stomach burst with butterflies, making her flustered and turning her cheeks in red hue. Not expecting Jungwon to be that Honest with his thoughts but she already knew how the boy is like, Straightforward and blunt as always.

Jungwon chuckled catching her red face and later reaching out his hand to her cheeks, caressing it with a soft smile growing on his face and said, " Am I making you agitated Ji ? Why are your cheeks painted in red, hmm ?"

He actually just teased her yet again because he likes to see her puckered face and slightly pouty lips when she is being teased Moreover from Jungwon's perspective Jia looks adorable like this.

But What Jungwon don't know is, His words are affecting the girl way too much for her liking. She is trying hard to suppress her feelings from a long time but seeing Jungwon acting like this is not helping her at all. But for Jungwon, all this things are normal because He likes someone else and Jia is just his Precious Best friend whom he don't want to lose at any cost or that what he believes. And that thought hurt Jia the most out of all, that she is just a best friend to him. But for her, He is her whole world, whenever she locks eyes with him, She sees her whole world in his eyes, and that sole thing is enough to make her giddy and happy because his eyes gives her reassurance, security, warmth and comfort.

Quickly morphing her expressions back to normal, She just shrugged the question and instead quickly taking a full glance at the boy from head to toe, mesmerized by his beauty said , "Enough about me, You are looking Handsome as well won. Now let's get going now or else we will be scolded soon. "

"I knew it gurl, you are whipped for me, who will not be, I'm indeed a handsome man born on the surface of Earth. But let's just put a full stop on teasing you now because we are actually running late. L-E-T Apostrophe G-O." Said a cheeky Jungwon while wiggling his eyebrows. And walking out from there along with Jia after locking his condo's door.

Only if you knew about my feelings Won, you wouldn't be saying this instead chasing me away because u like someone else. Who knows if our friendship would have been ruined if you know one day and I'm gravely afraid of that day. So, it's better to keep this feelings inside of me , Thought Jia in her mind silently.

Jia chose not to reply on the comment, just tsked and muttered underneath her breath, "Narcissistic kitty much, suit yourself. He is not lying tho, but he don't need to know that."

Jia said while admiring Jungwon's back view, following him behind to his parked car outside of the condominium.

Jungwon's outfit :

They are dressed up because it's kinda a Formal dinner where they were told to come up dressed nicely by there parents

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They are dressed up because it's kinda a Formal dinner where they were told to come up dressed nicely by there parents.

And with that being said, Both Individuals made their way inside the car and finally Going towards their destination. Little did they know what is awaiting them in that specific Dinner place named Red Stiletto Restaurant.... ???


Thank you for reading this chapter ....

Have a great day and stay healthy 💖
Byee guys, see u in next update, until then sayonara !!!

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