Sad Song

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"I'm sorry but I am not sure that this will work out, I really like you but it's just so much more than that to you, and I am not sure I can handle that. I'm sure you are a wonderful guy but ... um this just feels like I'm doing something wrong." I look at Timmy when he walks away from me, this is not the first time someone does that to me. I don't understand why it should be so fucking hard to date.

It's hard enough to find someone you actually like, so it makes it 100 times harder when you are the son to the president. My dad never lets me be alone because anything can happen. I honestly believe that I will die alone and that scares the living shit out of me.

No one understands how freaking annoying and hard it is to find someone who accept you for who you are, because sometimes they don't like your father and then they don't like you. I get judged by all the decisions my father is making, it's not how my life was supposed to be. I am 23 for the sake of god! Why does it have to be so damn hard?! I haven't even kissed someone and I am 23 for fucks sake.

"Hey are you okay?" I look at my bodyguard Niall and walk over to the car, this is the second time this week someone walks away from me during our date, and all I want is to actually date someone. I want to fall in love, is that too much to ask for? Well apparently it is.

Niall follows me in to the car and I just ignore him because sure he is amazing, but right now I can't handle being here, I just want to go home and eat a lot of ice cream while crying. I just want to forget how fucking pathetic my life really is, I want a normal life.


"Do you have everything packed?" I look up at my mother and just nod, I really don't want to go but I know that I don't really have a say in that matter, the queen of England invited my family over and I have nothing to say about it.

Apparently my mum and Queen Anne is old friends from school. My mum also thought it was a great idea to get away from America for a while. My dad also thought that he could make some work while being there so I honestly is fucked and need to go there, I can't do anything about it.

I know that I should be freaking out about meeting the Queen of England but honestly I just want a normal life where I actually can go outside without needing to worry about a million different things.

"You should think about this as a vacation honey, you will like it." Yeah like it my ass. No I won't because all I really want is to be home and crying my poor little heart out over a boy who left me before we could even get serious. I do not feel like sitting in a plane for hours and then meet people.

Sure you may think that I will be used to meeting new people but that doesn't mean I like it, I literally hate everyone and that makes this so much harder, because when my dad is who he is then I can't tweet openly about my hate for people... so that is why I have a fan account that is fanboying over bands like All Time Low and My Chemical Romance.

No one knows who I am there so I can express my hate for people on there how much as I want and that is great.

"We will be leaving in the evening so don't forget anything." She says and leave, probably to fuck my father now when he doesn't have anything until tomorrow. Oh yes they fuck and I don't even want to know how many times every day because damn the amount of times I have seen my mum coming out from my dad's office getting dressed.

"Hey are you okay?" Niall walks over to me and I shake my head, he knows that I just want someone who accept me for me and can accept all of me and not only the part of me that is normal. I want someone who doesn't leave when things gets hard. I just want someone to understand me and be by my side when I need them, is that too much to ask for?

Sad Song (Larry One Shot)Where stories live. Discover now