Son of Demons

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Hey guys. This is one of my earlier short stories, It is a tad cliche I admit but I enjoyed writing it and may add improvements with time. Please leave positive feedback and I'll be cool :)

The Man hung by his wrists, suspended metres above the ornate floor splattered with blood. Each second from the clock carved with the face of an angel, agonizing as it deposited more silver onto his wrists and body. The man's name is Will Shudder and despite his perfect mature face and his lean muscular body he was still barely breaching manhood. As he hung there, his famine induced body accumulating more thin deep cuts two men and a woman entered the chamber. Their heels clacked loudly on the smooth floor and the door swung shut behind them. Will looked up slowly and the dread and recognition of his death was clear to see, he didn't recognize the two men who were identical from the hideously scarred face to the immaculate tailored suits they wore. But the woman he knew almost too well she was the centre of his love, passion and betrayal. She had been the one person Will had confided in and he thought his feelings were mutual, but he was terribly wrong. Once she had extracted every bit of information from him she had stabbed him in the back and left him to bleed. As she looked up Will couldn't make eye contact with her because he knew if he did he would become mesmerized with the beauty of the deep green of her eyes and the astounding beauty of her face. Her name is Katrina Stone and she is the most lethal agent in the human army E.L.V.E.S (Eradication of Lycanthropy, Vampirism and Entitled Sources.) Katrina stopped and began observing Will, after a few seconds a smile appeared on her face and she tutted with her tongue "By god Will it's been almost too long how have you been?" she said with a shake of her long black hair. "Hello Katrina" Will Replied his voice barely under control "Your right it's been too long. Last time I saw you I was lying in a pool of my blood while you escaped through the window" he said with a shaky laugh that parted his damp jet black hair. "Ah so my betrayal still cuts deep I see" she said while shifting her posture and expression "But alas I am here on more serious business. You see Krav and Lee behind me don't you?" Will didn't show any sign of recognition and the next second Kravs fist was crashing into his face, Will's body rocked back and his vision swam and as his focused again he noticed the four gashes on his face from Kravs blessed rings. As Will's ears stopped ringing and he could focus on one thing Katrina asked again "You see Krav and Lee behind me don't you?" This time Lee stepped forward and Will knew better than to ignore her now so he nodded his head slowly Katrina recognized this and said "Good' good now I believe I should tell them who...or what you are" She turned to face the two men and said "What you see hanging above you is not a Vampire or Werewolf it is both." Will looked in horror as the men registered surprise on their faces which slowly changed to wicked grins. Then Krav spoke "Why haven't you let us at him then?" he spoke in a thick Russian accent, Lee nodded enthusiastically behind him "No!" Katrina shouted throwing up her arm "We need information from him. We execute him later" she added in an undertone. "Now" she snapped suddenly serious facing Will "You will tell us everything and I warn you" she said as Will went to interrupt "If you try anything expect a slow and painful death from them" Krav and Lee nodded as she said this that wicked grin seemingly plastered to their faces. "Alright" Will said "I'll tell you everything on the condition that I am given a live broadcast before death" Katrina nodded suppressing a smile from thinking this would make her job so much easier. "I agree" Katrina said "now why don't we begin?" she said with a mocking smile, "Sure but this is quite a tale so pull up a chair." As they sat down Will began "I got thrown into this mess when my parents died...

"I was fourteen and too young to be alone in this world the numbness of their death had just passed and the pain came out of nowhere and ended up with me curled up in a corner with sobs racking my body. The authorities came to take me to the orphanage but first some strange men took me away and began telling me stories. They talked about Werewolves, Vampires and you the E.L.V.E.S, they also mentioned a group called HellBorn who were apparently a group that were trying to reunite Werewolves and Vampires and I was meant to lead this rebellion. But by then I was past listening I opened the door and walked away, the last thing I heard from them was that the changes happened at fourteen but I was already gone. My life in the orphanage was everything but luxury it was a place of hollow cheeks, grey clothes and angry red marks from slim -hands. School was no better I was treated as the new kid and was constantly harassed by bullies because they said I was different and I should be treated as such. I eventually forged a friendship with two others who were apparently the same as me they were Jack Cadman who was a tall pale faced year 10 boy who was the fastest and most agile person anyone had seen, and Nicole Smith a small foxy face year 9 who was impassably strong. I thought they were great but they both seemed to seethe in anger when they saw each other I never knew why but then one afternoon they told me "You continue to ask why we hate each other but we continue to ignore you" Nicole said with a grim look "But we feel that you have a right to know why" Jack continued with a glance at Nicole "Me and Nicole are enemies not because we aren't friends but because years of ancestral war between our two races have made our ancestors hate each other and this has rubbed onto us." I was completely confused "But which races do you mean?" I asked completely puzzled, Jack sighed and said "I didn't wish to do this but it seems I have to. Will, Nicole is a Werewolf I, I am a Vampire.""

"The news shocked me so much I was unable to speak or move for several minutes when I finally regained control I managed to croak out "Is that how you are both so powerful and are afraid of silver and religion?" They both nodded silently "I know this is a lot to take in..." Jack began but I had just launched to my feet and I began moaning "No, NO!!!" I shouted "Will what's wrong?" Nicole said suddenly alert and concerned "Look at me!" I screeched and suddenly I was on the other side of the room and I smashed a four foot stone pillar in half. "Will!" He roared "What's happening?" "Don't you understand?" I said my voice shaking "I'm just like you both of you" I said motioning to Jake and Nicole "I'm a hybrid. A monster. A true monster." "But how can it be" Nicole said looking stunned "Werewolves are naturally repulsed to Vampires" "Didn't your parents tell you the stories?" I said "They told me but I always assumed they were fairy tales" both Jake and Nicole shook their heads "Well anyway" I continued "This is the main one. The prophecy" I said and I began reciting the tale, after a while I reached the end "And Hades god of the underworld and the two Hell races sent forward a child both Werewolf and Vampire a true HellBorn to unite the descendants of Hell." "Don't you see?" I said as I finished "I am the HellBorn and I must unite your races against this common foe the E.L.V.E.S." As soon as I said that they both snarled in displeasure and rage saying that they were the true Hellspawn, after that we all seemed to bond together and we began training and looking for these E.L.V.E.S. The years went by and I turned 18 I left the orphanage and now Nicole and Jack were closer than ever and they knew my story, about how I trained with speed and agility with my mother the Vampire called Angelina and strength and power with my father the Werewolf called Nathan. We went on rescue missions saving Werewolves and Vampires alike and killed any E.L.V.E.S we encountered, I learned that Werewolves could transform and that Vampires commanded shadows. I also learned I had to feed to keep up strength and this usually involved tearing flesh of dead agent's bodies. The weeks passed and our rebels fought harder but then we hit a speed bump, we were on a recon mission at an abandoned barn where some local Werewolves had been tortured. We were inspecting the gore covered pelts and drying entrails when we heard a crash and E.LV.E.S began streaming through the walls. We reacted instantly Jack sprung at them and slashed three throats and the agents died gurgling in their blood, Nicole jumped and her fist smashed the first man's sternum and ruptured the second's lungs. I took on the brute in the middle and a second later he was hanging from the ceiling in two parts, his insides on the walls. We were about to leave when I heard a choked sound coming from a cage I lunged at it and tore of the cover only to discover it housed you but I didn't know it was you back then you were just a small frightened female Werewolf. And then you know the rest the decline of our wins, the slaughter of covens, the decline of moral you caused all of this."

Will's head slumped in defeat and said "You're a monster, you slaughtered Jack and Nicole in cold blood I hate you!" Will said his rage clear on his face "Not much you can do now anyway" said Katrina "Save your breath you've only got a few left." Will was on the executioners block waiting the axe he was live on television and was given a few final words, "Speak now if you wish" Katrina said "I will" said Will "All the HellBorn's out there listen to me I am both of you so please take this not as a goodbye but as a rallying point. Make me your martyr... and let them feel hell." Then he saw no more as the hood came over his head.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2014 ⏰

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