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Blackfur Valley
The North Tower

It's been along time since the Guild last assembled; the small hall is filled with the faces of beings that otherwise wouldn't mix, most of them are much the same as the last time I saw them- save for a healthy helping of age, but others are new additions. It's another reminder that whilst the ticking clock somewhat freezes for us, the moving hands aren't so kind to others.

From my seat at the head of the table I wait, somewhat anxiously as the chatty combination of leaders get themselves reacquainted, most of them unaware of why they've been summoned here. The North Tower isn't the most welcoming nor comfortable of settings for an assembly; but it's far enough away from the Manor to be away from the prying eyes and ears of the council. With everything I have to juggle right now, the toxic council under my roof is something I'm not tackling head on right now.

Getting Meredith back has and will always be my number one priority. The completion of that task seems easy now that I know where she is; and Lycan Law allows any Lycan, especially an Alpha or King to do anything necessary to protect and claim their mate; and I was prepared to, until Blake convinced me to go this route. Even with my terrible history in politics, I know at least trying to follow this protocol is the best way to avoid another apocalyptic-style war.

Whilst everyone gets seated, I try to link Axel for the third time. When it fails I convince myself it's because both he and River are already behind the veil. Nothing penetrates that, not even something as strong as the link.

"What was so dire that we couldn't just talk over the phone or PackLink?" The youngest of the Alpha's, cuts through the chatter - clearly eager to begin the assembly, though the bored look on his face would say otherwise.

"As you can see Alpha Stone, it's not just Packs in attendance" Blake growls at my side Asswipe

If these people had access to our mindlink, Blake would have us at war every five minutes.

"Yeah about that, since when do Were's and Lycan's invite Dwarves to the Guild?" I swear this kid has shit for brains. His comment immediately sets off an argument and I'm thankful that all weapons were left outside, along with Earth and Moon-Oaths that nobody would shift.

Already at the end of his patience, Blake jumps up and slams both hands on the grand table "SHUT THE FUCK UP!"


"You're new to this Alpha Stone, so take some advice to prevent embarrassing yourself any further" Alpha Lucenzo growls "Leaders from all species present at the signing of the Treaty are part of the Guild" Blake finally sits as the young Alpha heeds the words of his elder.

I'm about to get down to why I gathered everyone, when a wretched smell hits me.

They won't like them coming
You said it yourself, we have to do this right Blake. He went to see Great Fire. We have to be seen to follow protocol.
Great Fire see's the truth in everything, all Elementals can see your soul alive or dead. He'll smell Corvin's bullshit before he even crossed the veil. He won't care about our Treaty.
I can't help looking at my brother in surprise, since when did Blake know so much about Elementals?
Ah of course.
I think the Moon made a mistake making you my brother, it should've been Silas.

Laughing inside I turn my attention back to the seriousness of the situtation, I need to land this blow now before the others pick up the Vampire scent. "I appreciate everyone coming so quickly and on such short notice. I know some of you have travelled quite far and tensions are high with existing problems, but we're not here for those"
"Then what are we here for?" Stone speaks again. He's beginning to fuck me off
"There's been a violation in the Treaty-"

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