The Great Captain Morgan

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No One POV

"H-He really did it!"

"He punched the captain's son! Captain Morgan will be furious!"

People in street were shocked, they just saw Helmeppo who has just been hit by two boys. Now they fear the wrath of the captain Morgan, even if it wasn't their fault.

Y/n glares at Helmeppo while Luffy didn't calm down and wanted to punch him again, but Koby holds him back, "Luffy! Stop! Are you trying to pick a fight with the whole Navy!?"

"Scum is scum... No matter who its father is!" Luffy shouts.

"Y-you hit me! You actually hit me!" Helmeppo put an hand on his cheeks where Luffy punched him earlier, and everyone could see the look of pain and the fact he's trying to restrain his movements because of what Y/n did? "No one has ever hit me! Not even daddy!"

"I don't want to say he should have but, he should have."

Helmeppo gasps at Y/n's harsh words, "I'm captain Morgan's beloved son! I'm telling daddy on you!"

The citizens gasp but Luffy and Y/n weren't fazed, "Don't run crying to papa! Face us like a man!"

Ironic given that Y/n overall appearance is compared to that of a girl.

Koby didn't lt go of Luffy and Helmeppo used his soldiers shoulders to stay up, "You'll die begging for mercy! You're a walking corpse! Father will kill you! You boggerface!" and again he's using his father.

Y/n scoffs, "Leave it, Luffy. He's not worth hitting."

Luffy then calm down and put his hat back on his head, "Yeah... you're right. But still..."

Rika approach them with a smile, "You were great, big brothers! I feel a lot better now!"

This made Y/n smile a little and Luffy crosses his arms with a smile, "Then I wish I'd given him a few more whacks for you!"

"Rika! Get over here!"

Y/n looks a the side and found a woman approach Rika, not to mention she looks like the little girl. It was surely her mother.

"You shouldn't be talking to these people! If they think you're their friend, they'll kill you, too!'" Rika's mother put her hand on her shoulder and leads her inside a house.

"But mommy, they are good people. And Zoro, he's a good-"

"What are you saying?! You didn't go to the parade ground, did you!?" Her mother scolds her and Rika nervously denied. Rika looks one last time at the three boys before hes mother closes the door.

Once the door was closed, Koby panicked, "They won't let you get away with this! And captain Morgan has the whole Navy behind him!"

"Yeah, whatever. I need to talk to Zoro." Luffy ignores Koby and just walk towards the naval fortress. Y/n sighs before walking after him, with Koby not far behind.

Timeskip, Naval fortress

In a office, a man was sitting in his seat, his back facing a soldier.

"I'm so great!" The man praises himself, but with a certain tone.

"Yes sir! You certainly are, sir! You're the great captain Morgan, sir!" the soldier agreed.

"Then why are the tributes from the peasants..." the man coughs before continuing, "Townsfolk getting smaller?!"

The Navy's soldier sweats, "Yessir, regarding your tributes... I believe the towns people are now too poor to raise-" he was cut off.

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