"This is harder than it looks, Raijū. Trust me."
"I would be surprised if a demon was here. Hell, just look at the place." The mizunoto ambulated through the lonely village. It was rare for demon's to reside in abandoned suburb areas considering how they need humans to survive. Nonetheless, all of the reports led them here and it was time to execute the mission.
He inspected small specks of footprints that were barely visible on the dusty ground, "They are leading this way, but end just a few feet ahead. You think they ran off?"
"They could have ran off, but it's not uncommon for demons to place traps like these. An ambush could happen, but I can't go beyond the future, so find out yourself." Saiyuki just gave a slight nod at the crow's words. The two weren't buddy-buddy with one another just yet, and by the looks of it, it wasn't happening sometime. It was crazy to have a creature by your side until your last breath and not be able to get along.
"Let's just hope it's stupid and easy to kill." His words showed boredom, and not a slight of fear for what's to come.
"Oh? So you?" And that earned him a uppercut to the head as he landed on the ground.
"This is why Tanjiro is better."
"I couldn't care less."
"Where the fuck is this thing?" The sun sets once again, and the duo were overdue on their mission. To make matters worse, Saiyuki's career as a demonslayer was at stake due to his lack of missions,"Is it hiding because it's scared?"
Raijū flew on top of a watch tower that was capricious, rundown but it was stable enough for his weight, "I mean the possibility that people lying to us isn't so slim now, eh?"
"Why would they lie about an immortal, immoral, and unnatural being as a joke?" His back hit the trunk of the tree with a loud sigh. The repeated words of Kagaya's words haunted him like an invisible presence who had watch on him at all times.
"I'm just saying, Saiyuki." The duo then snapped their attention to a loud battle cry at a distance. Seeing how this could be their last hope, they henceforth in hopes of leaving this dusty, smelly and abandoned village. "It could be multiple of them so be careful."
"Aren't you going to help me?"
"And what do you think I could do? Give 'em a little flap on the shoulder?"
"Shit it might help." His eye roll was visible as the sassy crow resented himself on the top of the broken-down watch tower. The white haired male was off in seconds, leaving some dust flying in the air.
Saiyuki sprinted past the broken wooden pieces of the village houses in a tranquil yet swift manor. As a demonslayer, if he wanted to survive, he had to expect the worse and deal with it. However, this also worried him to an extent. Reaching the said location, his eyes darted around to the sides, below his feet—along with above his head.
His eyes darted to the noise as he was met with a now deceased demon head rolling until it made contact with his shoe, "This is disgusting."
Even after all these years of being a demon slayer, he has yet to overcome the repugnance smell and sight after a demon dies.
He should be more worried about who slayed the creature, "Anyone there?" He shouted out witlessly. No answer, but another demon's head came rolling down his foot, this time behind him.
"This is on some horror type shit." He didn't know what was happening, but he sure didn't condone it.
His attention turned to a small, fuzzy figure. As they got closer, it came out to be a short boy with long, black fading to turquoise hair and pale green eyes, "Who the hell are you?"
The unknown figure did not respond, but rather threw his katana towards Saiyuki as the male barely dodged it.
"Hey what's your pro-" He heard the sword make contact with something with a small gush following after. Turnings up, he gazed his head eyes to a demon with blood sprouting out it's neck and onto the snowy haired male, "Well it makes sense now. You ruined my clothes though so you lost cool points."
"Thanks for saving me though." Saiyuki bowed his head down with a genuine tone.
"It wasn't my intention," The figure bluntly replied "You just moved out the way in time, lucky you."
"What? So you were gonna happily let that sword cut into me?"
"Not happily but without care. Plus, you aren't any high ranking or important person. The world would continue to spin with or without you." Saiyuki was outright furious and indignant with the other males words. How could someone be so cold and egoistic?
He scoffed as he deliberately looked away,"What a prick you are, huh? Who even are you anyway?"
The figure looked down, as if he was debating to answer, "Why should I tell you? You probably passed the final selection by pure luck, weakling. You won't last long anyway."
"Saiyuki Himeno. Yours?"
He eventually conceeded, "Muichiro Tokito. Remember it on your dying breath, fiend."
"Do demons shower? I hope they change their clothes all those centuries they've been here."

OBSESSION!! Yandere kny X Male Oc!!
RomanceHe just wanted to find out the truth, but unraveled secrets he wished he'd never seen.