chapter 1

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10:00 A.M. - science

"Erosion and Deposition are normal and important processes that shape.."

The teacher just kept going and going and she seemed like she could never shut up. I know I'm supposed to be paying attention or whatever, but this is so damn boring..

Yunmi sighed heavily, tapping her pencil on the desk as she ran a hand through her hair. Science wasn't exactly her favorite (no school subjects were...) and she couldn't wait to get home, change out of this scratchy uniform, jump on her bed and take a fat nap.

She turned her head to look at the window, maybe watch a bird or something. Even watching a fly would be more interesting than this lesson..

She sighed again, sitting back up straight and crossing her arms, staring at the front of the class with a small pout. 'Why did I have to pick the seat in the front!?' Yunmi thought I agony, kicking her foot at the leg of her desk.

"Miss Kim, I think that Yunmi isn't paying attention."

The voice rang loud and clear right behind Yunmi. She didn't have to turn to know who it was, she knew damn well. And this isn't the first time this happened.

Yunmi turned her head slowly and gave a death glare to Yeonjun, trying her hardest not to grab a piece of chalk and shove it down his throat. Choi Yeonjun, Yunmi's greatest enemy.

He was so damn annoying, why didn't he leave her alone!?

"Well, Yeonjun, you probably arent paying attention to the lesson either since you've went as far as to notice that Yunmi Isn't paying attention." Miss Kim said as-a-matter-of-factly, her face clearly showing that she was annoyed at how rudely she was interrupted.

Yunmi flashed a smirk at Yunmi before turning back to the teacher, a satisfied smirk on her face as she crossed her arms, feeling yeonjun kick the back of her foot sharply. She was stuck in this seat in front of him for the rest of the year.. shit.

"No need to smile so confidently Yunmi, you weren't paying attention either." The teacher said annoyedly before she turned back to the board and continued the lesson. Yunmi's smirk immediately fell as she hears Yeonjun snickering quietly in the back of her. Ugh.

'Do they keep sledgehammers in science classrooms...?'

12:20 P.M. - lunch break

Yunmi's POV

I sighed deeply, sitting down next to Eunchae and a couple of other girls as I set my lunch tray down. School lunch sucked, but I was hungry. Oh well.

I ate the food happily, too invested in my meal to listen to what the girls were talking about. Eventually I started listening and what I heard brought a sour expression to my face.

They were talking about Yeonjun and his group of goons, obviously. These conversations annoyed me and everyone thought weirdly of me for it (probably because Yeonjun is the ultimate Heartbreaker of the school.)

"I'd kill to go out with him... he's so hot." Eunchae giggled, grabbing my arm as she squeezed it tightly. "You're so lucky to sit right in front of him in science..." Eunchae sighed as the others nodded in agreement.

I snorted at this, shaking my head. "Lucky? the douchebag has the shittiest personality on the planet, if he even has one." I scoffed, shaking my head. "It's a curse."

Eunchae scoffed at me and shook her head in disagreement, clearly looking at me like I was insane. "Hes not all bad. Plus he's hot as hell." Eunchae giggled again as I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, his future girlfriend is so lucky..." another girl sighed, sending giggles through the table as I just sighed and rested my chin on my hands.

At that exact moment Yeonjun and his friends walked into the cafeteria, making all the girls sitting at my table to start giggling furiously and blushing. I was really annoyed by this, all Yeonjun has to do is breathe and these blind people will melt...

And what to you know. As soon as Yeonjun spotted all of them giggling he walked towards our table and winked at all of them, causing them all to blush and look away. I only rolled my eyes and scoffed, sighing deeply.

"What do you want, choi." I said coldly, looking him up and down judgementally as I stared up at him, trying to annoy him and send him off. He was so annoying.

Yeonjun's expression immediately turned into an annoyed scowl, causing me to smirk widely. "Just came to please the ladies." He said sarcastically, making me roll my eyes again as eunchae giggled next to me.

"Okay, I think they're pleased, you can leave now" I said annoyedly, offering Yeonjun a sarcastic smile.

Yeonjun rolled his eyes and sat right between me and eunchae, wrapping his arms around her and winking at her, causing her face to go beat red as he smirked.

"Yeonjun, leave. Nobody wants you here." I growled, kicking his shin under the table and shoving his arm off of eunchae's shoulders.

He scowled and stood up, brushing himself off as if my hands carried a contagious virus. "Fine, fine." Yeonjun grumbled, rolling his eyes as he winked at the rest of the girls before glaring at me. "Instead of sitting here and giggling about my gorgeous looks, you should study. You're gonna fail." Yeonjun said with a wide smirk before turning and walking off, leaving me speechless.

I only sighed and looked away, picking at my food. The nerve of that boy! makes me wanna slam a brick into his head.

If only I knew what was coming.

I'll try updating every day and I have alot of plot twists in mind so stay tuned ig 🤓

(random mention but Bite Me is so good like wtf)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2023 ⏰

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